There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1607 Strange Dreams

Chapter 1607 Strange Dreams

Zhan Beichen said: "We are here for the first time, and we don't know what's going on there, so second brother, you and Zhan Guo will stay at home first. The main purpose this time is after all, Ke Ting and I. Let's go to find out and come back after we have a clear understanding. Let's discuss it. If we encounter any trouble, I will find a way to send a message to you."

Ke Ting said: "Second brother, I will trouble you with the big and small things at home. If anything happens to me, Tao Tao will entrust it to you!" Before Ke Ting finished speaking, Zhang Tao Tao went up and covered Ke Ting's face. Mouth: "Don't talk nonsense, you must come back healthy, hurry up and pee!"

Ke Ting comforted Zhang Taotao and said, "Don't worry my dear, I will definitely protect myself!"

There was nothing to say all night, before Zhan Beichen woke up the next morning, Shen Chuhua directly woke Zhan Beichen up, Shen Chuhua was worried all over his face, as if he had a nightmare, Shen Chuhua said to Zhan Beichen: "I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed that seven stars appeared in the sky. The seven stars hugged together and rotated in the sky. After a while, another shooting star appeared in the sky. Seeing that the shooting star was in contact with the seven The two stars collided, and when the meteor was approaching the Seven Stars, as if the Seven Stars had some magical power, they began to rotate together, and finally the meteor emitted a shining light and escaped from the Seven Stars, and then the meteor fell instantly!"

Zhan Beichen said, "What kind of dream is this? How strange? What does it portend?"

Shen Chuhua said: "I don't know either. It's a very normal thing for a meteor to fall. Let's not think too much about it. It will be dawn in a while. I think you should rest for a while. You will have the energy to go tomorrow." work."

After hearing this, Zhan Beichen put his arms around Shen Chuhua and kept stroking Shen Chuhua's forehead without saying a word.

At this moment, Zhang Taotao also had the same dream, but Zhang Taotao thought it was just a very common dream. Zhang Taotao had counted the stars for several days before, so he didn't care.He didn't tell Ke Ting, but Zhang Taotao was still worried about Ke Ting, and said to Ke Ting, "Ting, you must be more careful when you go today, don't be impulsive when you encounter any danger, and you must discuss it with Zhan Beichen. There is always nothing wrong with the two of you, and I am just worried about you!"

Ke Ting said: "I'm not a kid anymore. What are you worried about? I had a great time working with Zhan Beichen before. This cooperation is absolutely seamless. Don't worry, wait for the good news of my victory! I will definitely marry you when I come back." you!"

Ye Ru and Ruan Shiqing also had the same dream, but they didn't care about it, and they didn't take it to heart. They just felt that they had an ordinary night.

Playback from last night: It turns out that the dream of these four girls is definitely not accidental. This dream is because Mr. Zhan was worried that the children were outside. Last night, he specially invited Mr. Ghost Operator to express his concern. Mr. Ghost Operator closed his eyes For an hour, he kept chanting some scriptures and other things in his mouth, and his fingers kept counting.

In the end, Mr. Ghost Operator said to Zhan Muchen: "The children have arrived in the Western Regions now. Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting will encounter some troubles. Now they need a cart of silver dollars from the underworld. Let me send a message to them from the underworld. They have some hints, as to whether they can turn the danger into a bargain, it depends on their own good luck!" Hearing this, Master Zhan said: "I know this matter, if you calculate too badly, you will lose your life, and I ask Mr. Ghost to think of a perfect plan what!"

(End of this chapter)

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