There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1628 Zhan Muchen personally thanks

Chapter 1628 Zhan Muchen personally thanks

Zhan Muchen said: "Miraculous Doctor Xue deserves to be Miracle Doctor Xue. His superb medical skills saved my family's ancestors." There is another expert to help, Xue Shen said: "Xue just tried some meager efforts, it is not worth mentioning, the ancestor's recovery this time is not due to Xue's help!" Zhan Muchen said: "Xue The miracle doctor is a contemporary miracle doctor, thanks to your few medicines!"

After the two boasted to each other, Miracle Xue bid farewell: "Xue has an appointment for a while, I will take a step first, Mr. Zhan, please stay!" Zhan Muchen said: "Okay, Miracle Xue, then I will see you off soon." gone."

This time, Mr. Gui Suanzi helped the ancestor of the Zhan family to regain his former splendor, and Zhan Muchen decided to pay a visit in person to thank him!Zhan Muchen asked the housekeeper to prepare two sheep and ten calico horses.He also brought a large box of gold, silver and jewelry, and ten roots of ginseng.In short, he brought a lot of valuable things to the ghost operator.

The ghost operator helped the Zhan family one after another, and Zhan Muchen was also very grateful to the ghost operator.

It's just that Miracle Doctor Xue was very puzzled this time. Miracle Doctor Xue thought to himself: All the medicines I prescribed to my ancestors this time are tonic medicines. Which doctor can be so powerful?I am a well-known genius doctor in ten miles and eight towns. It is unlikely that someone who can cure my ancestors in such a short period of time is an unknown person. Could it be that Mr. Zhan didn't tell me because he was afraid that I would be suspicious?I think there should be other reasons.But when I gave my ancestor his pulse for the first time, his pulse condition was obviously a sign of decline, and from the pulse condition, he was already dying. If he really had such powerful medical skills, I would definitely meet him well if I had the opportunity.

The eldest wife of the Zhan family had always been skeptical about the ghost operator's divination skills before, but she was also convinced by the ghost operator's guidance this time. The eldest wife said to Zhan Muchen: "Master, Xue is so powerful that there is nothing he can do. Ghost calculation Xue Zi just moved his fingers and healed our ancestors. The medical skills of Xue Shenyi are well-known, besides, Chinese medicine has been handed down by our ancestors for thousands of years. What method does Ghost Operator use?"

Zhan Muchen said: "Traditional Chinese medicine has been passed down for thousands of years, but don't forget that the gossip of the Book of Changes was also passed down from the Zhou Dynasty, so it can be regarded as a science! You have to believe in this thing, as the saying goes, it is reasonable if it exists. !"

The eldest wife kept muttering in her heart: It's really amazing.The eldest lady said again: "You said that the ghost operator can predict everything, and even figured out the matter of the fourth brother this time, I don't know how the fourth brother and the others are doing things!"

Zhan Muchen said: "They sent a telegram last month and brought some equipment from home. With those high-tech, I guess they should be able to handle things quickly now, maybe they are going back!"

The eldest lady said: "Looking at it this way, they will probably be back soon. I really miss them a little bit. After they come back, I will definitely make dumplings for them myself!"

Zhan Muchen said: "You don't need to do this yourself, as long as you have the heart, you can tell Zhang Ma and them to make dumplings."

The eldest lady said: "What do you know. This is my feeling, and I have to make it for them myself."

Zhan Muchen said: "Okay, okay, up to you, you can do whatever you want. But you have to remember, I don't eat leek stuffing, so don't make leek stuffing."

(End of this chapter)

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