Chapter 1635

Because Zhanxi City has always wanted to take down this bank, but Boss Wang politely refused every time.The son of the boss Zhiwang of Zhanxi City last year had this hobby, so he was tempted to take down the bank.Zhan Xicheng spent a lot of money to buy a stunning artist from the north. This artist can not only sing and dance but also compose poems. As soon as the boss's son heard that "new tea" was coming, he couldn't hold back his agitated heart. He played songs almost every night. This artist's appearance fee was more than five times that of ordinary artists. Boss Wang's son basically burned it in the past six months. Half a bank, it wasn't until half a month ago that Boss Wang's son Dong Chuang's incident happened, and Zhanxi City found an opportunity, so he came to visit again. This time, Boss Wang really couldn't survive, so he exchanged the bank to Zhanxi City, as well as the house deed. The title deed and all relevant procedures have been handed over, and Boss Wang declared bankruptcy!

Adding to the dilapidated Wang family this time, it was really squandered by this "brother son". Boss Wang knew that his son was so worthless, and he committed suicide in a hurry.Boss Wang's son has changed from a son to a commoner, and he has a big gap in his heart. I don't know who told him that this was a trick set by the third son of the Zhan family. Boss Wang's son hired some idlers to kidnap Zhan. Xicheng wants Zhan Xicheng to return the bank to him at a lower price.

At this time, Boss Wang's son, Xiao Wang, saw that Zhan Xicheng was angry, and said to Zhan Xicheng: "Zhan Xicheng! You are despicable enough. You actually use such despicable methods. What kind of hero are you? !"

Zhan Xicheng said: "This leg grows on your own body. You can't control your own leg. What can I do? Every time I go, I don't drag you there. What's the use of you coming to me to talk about these things?" What? You gave the money voluntarily, right!"

Xiao Wang said: "You're right. I went there by myself, but your method of taking advantage of others is really bad. Hurry up and hand over the deeds of the house and land, or you can't even think about it if I can't survive! "

Zhan Xicheng saw that Xiao Wang was pretending to be strong there, Zhan Xicheng said: "Think about it with your own head, will I be afraid of you? When my fourth brother comes back, if I tell him about it, My fourth brother's temper doesn't tear you apart! Not to mention my second brother, if he finds out, he will come with my fourth brother, and it's useless for you to call him grandpa!"

This is when Hou Xiaowang picked up the stick and chopped Zhan Xicheng's head. At this time, he was grabbed by the man in black next to him. Didn't say you were going to beat him, our business is business, the rules still can't be broken, if you stick him down, if he has any troubles, we can't afford to go around, can you and I offend the Zhan family? ? Even if you want to tear yourself apart from the Zhan family, don't pull me in."

At this time, Zhan Xicheng saw Xiao Wang hesitated, and Zhan Xicheng said: "This elder brother is still sensible, I advise you to let me go, I guess my elder brother has already arrived at the government, and I will chase him after a while. It's too late to run away. Is it worth it for you to go to jail for such a trivial matter? If you let me go now, I won't hold you accountable! Let's write it off. If you are really in trouble, I can lend you some money, no The kind of interest, you will pay me back when you have money."

Xiao Wang said: "Look at what I've been doing? What's the use of borrowing money from me? Can the bank come back? Can my father come back to life?"

(End of this chapter)

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