There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1642 A Little Joke

Chapter 1642 A Little Joke

Qiu Changtian said: "I guess you don't know, well, I will tell you next." Qiu Changtian pretended to be calm and said, "Basically every family in Brazil grows tobacco leaves, and there are many of them. They all rely on this export. Whenever it’s the season of harvesting tobacco leaves, the women in the family will come out to pick them. After picking, they will pick the best quality parts to make cigars. Cigar makers choose unmarried girls who roll their cigars on their laps, so Brazilian cigars have a special fragrance, which is why Brazilian cigars are popular all over the world.”

At this time, Zhan Jiayi was stunned when she heard this, and Zhan Jiayi thought to herself: What about you men, vulgar!

But Zhan Jiayi didn't show it, Zhan Jiayi said: "So it's like this, I said why do you like smoking Brazilian cigars so much, so it's..."

Qiu Changtian said: "I think you have misunderstood. I like Brazilian cigars not because of their special fragrance, but because of the poor people who grow tobacco in Brazil. If I buy more, they can sell more." ! My intention is to help the poor."

When Zhan Jiayi heard what Qiu Changtian said, she felt that Qiu Changtian was very humorous. Zhan Jiayi said: "Captain Qiu is worthy of being the captain. He even smokes so well. Don't you buy it? Those people in Brazil Will they all starve to death? You’re still talking too much!”

Zhan Jiayi and Qiu Changtian both smiled happily.Qiu Changtian said: "Since Yi doesn't like men who smoke, I won't smoke from now on. How is it?" Qiu Changtian sniffed it, and then put the cigarette back in his pocket.

Zhan Jiayi asked in surprise: "You quit smoking now?" Qiu Changtian replied: "Yes, I said I wouldn't smoke if I didn't smoke, and I won't smoke when I'm with you in the future."

Zhan Jiayi was overwhelmed by the strong self-control of the man in front of her, and thought to herself: If this man can have such great self-control, will I be able to control this man in the future?A person who can quit smoking in an instant is either duplicity, or a real strong.

Zhan Jiayi and Qiu Changtian walked to the gate of the Zhan Mansion. Qiu Changtian put down Zhan Jiayi's arm, and Qiu Changtian said: "Miss Zhan, you are home, I should go back, thank you Zhan Jiayi Today, Miss is so honored to keep me there for dinner. I am very happy today, it can be said that I have not been so happy for a long time, and I feel extremely relaxed when I am with you. Thank you!"

Zhan Jiayi said: "You are being polite when you say that, Captain Qiu. Since we have become friends, we will have a long chance to get along. I also thank you for sending me home." At this time, Zhan Jiayi looked at Qiu Changtian with an expression , and then Zhan Jiayi closed her eyes, and Zhan Jiayi's forehead was raised gently. Qiu Changtian knew what Zhan Jiayi meant, but Qiu Changtian felt that it must be the first time getting along with each other. I'm afraid that Ge's actions will offend her, and Qiu Changtian is still in an extraordinary period, and there is no guarantee that Qiu Changtian will not give her the future, so Qiu Changtian deliberately said jokingly: "Jiayi, look at that Who's coming?"

Zhan Jiayi opened her eyes and looked in the direction Qiu Changtian was pointing at. Zhan Jiayi didn't see anyone. At this moment, Qiu Changtian burst out laughing. Zhan Jiayi turned around and ran into the Zhan Mansion with a snort. .

(End of this chapter)

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