Chapter 1717

At this time, the sister-in-law said: "Little sister, when Gangzi was here, I missed him day and night, and he would knock on the door one day and come back. Xiaogang is gone now, and my heart is hanging every day, as if nothing happened. The same, and the same expectation that he can knock on the door suddenly and return home one day. Xiaogang has sent money home in Laojinshan all these years. In the first year, he wrote to me saying that he would let me buy a new big one. The house, the money he earned is enough to change to a bigger one, I haven’t changed it so far, just because I’m afraid that one day he won’t find me when he comes back.”

At this time, the sister-in-law started to shed sad tears after she finished speaking, and Shen Chuhua continued: "This time they are going to go to Laojinshan to take revenge. To be honest, I don't agree with it from the bottom of my heart. Zhan Beichen has never eaten any food since he was a child." I don’t know if he can adapt to life outside this time, it can be said that he was born with a golden key in his mouth, and he has all kinds of gold and silver treasures.”

Zhang Taotao said: "Ke Ting told me a lot of stories about him and Xiaogang. To be honest, I really wronged the two of them this time." At this time, my sister-in-law felt uncomfortable after hearing these words. Said: "I can understand your feelings, and I also know that Ke Ting and Zhan Beichen went to Laojinshan to avenge their revenge just as a comfort in their hearts. To be honest, even if they avenged Xiaogang, they would not be able to come back."

Zhang Taotao said: "Perhaps this is the relationship between their men, it's for the brothers!"

Shen Chuhua said: "Although I feel sorry for Zhan Beichen in my heart, if it were me, I would also go to revenge. Tell me, what are we women planning? Isn't it just trying to live a stable life?"

At this time Zhang Taotao said: "Ke Ting and Zhan Beichen are brothers, and Xiaogang saved Ke Ting's life. I really hope they can come back safely. I don't know when I can send us a letter." ! That way we can rest assured."

The sister-in-law said: "No letter is the best news, which means that they are all safe. If someone really sends a message, it means that they must be in trouble now, so let's wait for them to come back."

At this time, Zhang Taotao removed a gold hairpin from her head and prepared to give it to her sister-in-law. Zhang Taotao said: "We sisters are dependent on each other now, and I have nothing to give you. I will give you this gold hairpin as a gift. I also hope that sister-in-law, you will not dislike her."

The sister-in-law directly refused: "Sister, I appreciate your kindness. I can't take this hairpin or this one. How can I afford such an expensive gift?"

Shen Chuhua also took off one of his own jewelry and gave it to his sister-in-law. Shen Chuhua said: "Sister-in-law, our relationship has nothing to do with anything now, it's just purely personal feelings. You must accept the gift from the two of us." Next, if you feel embarrassed, you can give us a pair of earrings as a souvenir for the two of us. In this way, you will not take advantage of us, and we will accept your gift. "

The sister-in-law saw that Shen Chuhua said so and couldn't say anything more, so she just took off her clothes and earrings and gave them to Zhang Taotao and Shen Chuhua.

It was getting late, and they each went back to their rooms and went to bed.

At this time, Laojinshan is also proceeding step by step, and the workers are also working hard, imagining that they can own their own gold one day.

(End of this chapter)

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