There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1725 Zhan Nanwei Violently Beats Zhang Yunnian

Chapter 1725 Zhan Nanwei Violently Beats Zhang Yunnian

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, Zhan Nanwei was waiting for Zhang Yunian by the small river outside the city as agreed. Zhang Yunian was considered a man anyway, and he really went to the meeting alone. As soon as Zhang Yunian saw Zhan Nanwei, he said: " The Zhan Family is indeed full of heroes, Brother Zhan came to invite me to fight alone today, and here I am."

Zhan Nanwei said: "The last time you took away 15 taels of silver from our Zhan family, don't think that I don't know that you didn't do it! No matter how awesome Fourth Master is, he wouldn't dare to grab food from my mouth, if it wasn't for you It’s up to him to make plans behind the scenes? Hmph.”

At this time Zhang Yunnian said: "Brother Zhan is indeed very smart, you guessed it all, and you guessed it right, I planned that incident, so it turns out that the reason why I invited me here today is for this incident. Isn’t it just 15 taels of silver? I brought it to you for every penny!”

Zhan Nanwei said: "Do you think I invited you here for money? I know you are the No. [-] nobleman in the north, and your family is not short of money, but our Zhan family is not a small one in the south anyway. To tell you the truth Well, I came here today just to beat you up."

Zhang Yunian couldn't help it anymore: "Are you looking down on me? Am I afraid of you? Come on, let's fight to the death today. Don't think that I only know literature, I am capable of literature and martial arts!"

Zhan Nanwei saw that Zhang Yunnian was pretending to be strong, so Zhan Nanwei said: "I'll let you do three tricks first, so that I don't count as bullying you. After three tricks, don't blame me for being merciless."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do something!" Zhang Yunnian ran towards Zhan Nanwei while talking, Zhang Yunian raised a big fist like hitting Zhan Nanwei's head. What fighting skills, but looking at Zhang Yunian's aura, he seemed to be fighting for his life. In fact, Zhang Yunian was very panicked at this time, and he just used brute force.

Zhan Nanwei took advantage of the situation to block Zhang Yunnian's fist. Who knew that Zhang Yunnian reacted very quickly at this time. Seeing that Zhan Nanwei blocked his right fist with his arm, he quickly unleashed his left fist. Left fist, right fist, right fist and left fist, Zhang Yunian's fights were disorderly, Zhan Nanwei kept blocking with both hands, and Zhan Nanwei saw Zhang Yunian's routine in a short while, isn't this just Wang Baquan?

Although Zhan Nanwei could see that Zhang Yunian was fighting wildly, but Zhang Yunian's strength was really not small. After these few rounds, Zhan Nanwei was also a little flustered, thinking to himself: This bastard fist is really powerful, Zhan Nanwei is a little bit Relieved, Zhan Nanwei immediately pulled out a gap and gave Zhang Yunnian a kick, you hit me with your fist, I kick you with my foot!No matter how powerful your fist is, it is not as long as my feet!This is why the arms can't twist the thighs!

Zhang Yunnian was really kicked by Zhan Nanwei's flying foot. Zhang Yunnian took a few breaths and said, "If you do it, then don't blame me for being rude!" Blame me for playing around!At this time Zhang Yunnian hit and kicked Zhan Nanwei for the second round of attack, Zhan Nanwei thought: This is really trying to find me desperately.At this time, no matter how Zhang Yunian attacked, Zhan Nanwei would just dodge, and after a while Zhang Yunian's physical strength was exhausted.

Zhan Nanwei took the opportunity to give Zhang Yunian a big goodbye, Zhang Yunian fell to the ground, Zhan Nanwei said: "Are you still here?"

(End of this chapter)

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