There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1744 The Little Gold Brick Surfaces

Chapter 1744 The Little Gold Brick Surfaces

Ke Ting went on to say, "I've been trying to persuade you, I said it's not the time yet."

Ke Ting's words were a test of Xiao Jinzhuan with a needle hidden in the cotton. Of course Xiao Jinzhuan didn't hear it. She is good, my brother is now in a hurry, and this will bring about the disaster of killing God."

Ke Ting followed the little gold brick and said, "My child, remember, if you are tied up by a woman in your life, it's like falling into a big water tank. It will be very difficult to get out!"

After talking with Xiao Jinzhuan, Ke Ting went back to sleep.

That night, taking advantage of Ke Ting's drunkenness, Xiao Jinzhuan ran back to the tavern and stayed in the proprietress's tavern for the night. However, Xiao Jinzhuan thought he could hide Ke Ting from it, but Ke Ting was not drunk at all. Ke Ting knew that the proprietress was assigning some new tasks to Xiao Jinzhuan by intentionally not revealing him.

The next day, the big guy got up very early to go panning for gold, because he could get gold every day before, which made the big guy work harder and harder.When everyone was working, Ke Ting called Xiao Jinzhuan aside and asked, "Where did you go last night?"

"I went to the tavern last night. It was too late. The proprietress was afraid that something would happen to me, so she didn't let me go back." Xiao Jinzhuan said without any concealment.

Ke Ting asked, "Have you been drinking?"

Xiao Jinzhuan replied: "No, I never drink alcohol and I don't smoke."

Ke Ting then questioned, "Then what did you do?" Ke Ting asked knowingly, but Xiao Jinzhuan was silent, and didn't know how to get back for a while, maybe Xiaojinzhuan didn't expect Ke Ting to ask such detailed questions.

Ke Ting looked at the scene with some embarrassment and said, "Seldom go to that place in the future, and you won't learn anything good there."

Xiao Jinzhuan said: "The proprietress just pity me, and let me go to her place to play if I have nothing to do. She also cooks delicious food for me. I really won't learn bad things there."

Ke Ting said at this time: "The proprietress is very kind to you, I think you look like two wives." Of course Ke Ting knew that they were two wives, and the performance of the proprietress had already been exposed before. Trick, without thinking about it, replied: "No, godfather. He just pities me, really." Xiao Jinzhuan was very nervous when he said this. They are a couple, so it's okay to admit it, but Xiao Jinzhuan deliberately said no, which aroused Ke Ting's suspicion.At this time, Ke Ting has already confirmed that the little gold brick is the eyeliner.

That night, Xiao Jinzhuan and Ke Ting came to the proprietress again. They chatted while drinking, and Ke Ting asked, "I heard that you also want to accept Xiao Jinzhuan as a godson?"

The proprietress said: "This kid is quite rare."

Ke Ting said: "The child is a good boy, and he hangs around here at such a young age. It's really pitiful. You said why his parents are so cruel. It's you, who miss him every now and then." Ke Ting said this Ask knowingly.Deliberately draw out the proprietress.Ke Ting then asked the proprietress: "I heard that you don't have a man? Do you have any children?"

The proprietress has guessed in her heart that Ke Ting already knows that Xiao Jinzhuan is her child, but the proprietress can't admit it at this time. After all, she still doesn't trust Ke Ting enough. Ke Ting will not tell outsiders, but the proprietress is afraid that someone will know She has a mother-child relationship with Xiao Jinzhuan, so the bandits can't do business.

(End of this chapter)

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