Chapter 1746

It is said that the beatings of the workers here and there were quite miserable. Many people were beaten to death, and many people were beaten and disabled.Ke Ting was very heartbroken to see that the power he had accumulated through hard work was disintegrated like this, Ke Ting felt very uncomfortable.

Ke Ting knew that the head and the big cabinet were really difficult to deal with. They discussed this plan at the boss's wife yesterday while they were drinking too much. It can be said that it was really obscene. It was not until the guards arrived that they stopped the group fight.

Ke Ting looked at his brothers in the shed, many of them were beaten to death, and many of them were maimed. One of them said, "Brother, if you can go out, take my gold with my family." .”

Then, before the man died, he hid the gold there and told Ke Ting. Ke Ting and the remaining brothers buried the dead man in a random grave. Ke Ting tidied up and said to everyone: "Brothers, we have to think about how to Go out, or else the big guys will be buried here one day. For our family, we have to find a way. During this time, everyone use their brains to find a way, let's find a chance to escape. "

On the surface, Ke Ting said these words for everyone to hear, but in fact, he said them for the eyeliner little gold brick.The purpose is to let the word out and let them know that they are going to transport money out of the mountain.

Speaking of which, the relationship in Jinshan is complicated. The big cabinet and the boss are cousins, and the big cabinet is the cousin of the boss. The big cabinet and the boss have worked in Jinshan for so many years. Although they are cousins, they are in Jinshan. Everything in front of them was so fragile, the two brothers had to go in and out of Laojinshan more than a dozen times, and they were able to live in peace every time because they didn't dare to take out the gold every time.

This time, the big cabinet and the boss decided to take advantage of Ke Ting and the others to come to Mingxiu plank road to secretly hide Chencang.

Since all the gold was in the hands of the big cabinet, he was very worried and turned his head to fear, and asked someone to control the big cabinet's wife and children, but the big cabinet didn't know anything about it.

On this day, the big cabinet gathered everyone together. At this time, he threw the bodies of the two guys on the ground. The big cabinet said to his family: "Guys, this is the last thing I want to see, but I let it go." I saw it, my heart is bleeding like a knife." The big cabinet and the head found two guys transporting gold without permission, so they led the men to beat the two men to death, and then seized their gold. The gold that the cabinet has acquired in Laojinshan for so long is praised so much, but of course it is the eyeliner of the cabinet who reports to the cabinet.The large cabinet and the head design eyeliner in the middle of them are for this purpose.

Ke Ting saw through everything, Ke Ting thought in his heart, it would be a matter of time to leave without gold, but if Ke Ting wanted revenge, he had to lurk among the workers and deal with them when he found the right opportunity.At this time, the big cabinet continued: "In order to transport gold, many people died here. The big gold brick also died, and these two brothers are gone." At this time, the big cabinet pretended to be kind and said: "You said that I was The locker, can you not feel sorry for your buddies, but I feel sorry for them, and I can’t replace them. Even if I don’t punish them, can the guards get around them? The bandits who rely on us to go into the mountains for food can’t let them go. If it falls into my hands, it will be a whole body, but if it falls into the hands of those people, it will be miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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