There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1764 1 Letter to the Family

Chapter 1764 A Letter from Home

Zhan Beichen said: "If you don't talk about this matter, I don't want to talk about it. Since you mentioned it, I will send a telegram now!"

It is said that Zhan Nanwei was overjoyed after receiving the telegram. Hearing that his fourth brother was doing well in Bingcheng, he couldn't help thinking about it, so Zhan Nanwei took the telegram and went to find Zhan Mu. Chen, Zhan Nanwei said to his father: "The fourth brother is doing well there. The third child and I also want to go and see if we can help. I don't know what you mean?"

Zhan Muchen read the telegram and said: "Second brother, Dad is getting old, the world will be yours from now on, you can do whatever you want. Seeing that your brothers are promising, I am also happy in my heart!"

Zhan Nanwei said: "I want to take the third child and Ruan Shiqing to see it together."

Zhan Muchen said: "As long as they are willing, they can all go."

Zhan Nanwei found Zhan Xicheng and Ruan Shiqing after talking to Zhan Muchen, and Zhan Xicheng and Ruan Shiqing were overjoyed when they heard the news.They expressed their willingness to go.

So soon, Zhan Nanwei, Zhan Xicheng and Ruan Shiqing set off together.

When they arrived at Bingcheng, Ruan Shiqing, Zhan Nanwei and Zhan Xicheng got separated.Zhan Nanwei and Zhan Xicheng searched in the ice city for four or five days, but there was still no whereabouts, so Zhan Nanwei said to Zhan Xicheng: "Third brother, let's go to the fourth brother first, they have been here for a long time, they may be right Get a little familiar here."

Zhan Xicheng agreed, so they found Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting after a long time.Due to the arrival of Zhan Nanwei and Zhan Xicheng, there is enough manpower this time. Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting are going to run the hotel together, and Ke Ting's previous business firm is handed over to Zhan Nanwei and Zhan Xicheng.

Three months later, Zhan Beichen's hotel reopened. On this day, it was the last procedure, which was the opening of the listing. Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting had to direct the important event of listing, and the two of them quickly directed the staff. After the plaque is hung up, four signs are hung on the door of the hotel. One sign is called a restaurant at the door, which means that the restaurant has what customers eat and there is no room for choice. Two signs are called a restaurant, which means This restaurant provides a menu, and guests order food. It can only be called a hotel under four guises, that is, guests can order whatever they want, as long as it is from the eight major cuisines, you can order whatever you want.

Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting newly opened a hotel, but it didn't have the three pretenses. According to the local saying, it means unlucky.

After the plaque was hung, it was time to prepare for the grand opening. Ke Ting and Zhan Beichen were busy in the hotel. Zhan Beichen instructed the guy to hang out the signature dishes.The clerks hung up all the signature dishes in the store one by one. At this moment, Zhan Beichen said to Shen Chuhua who was beside him, "Chuhua, our business is getting bigger and bigger. Have you been blowing flowers in your heart?"

Chuhua said: "Tomorrow will be the opening of the business. Besides, this business is done bit by bit by us. Can you be unhappy?"

At this time, Zhang Taotao said to Shen Chuhua: "Chuhua, this is much more lively than when we were in our hometown in the south. At that time, we were like young mistresses. How good it is now. We have a job to earn a living, which is very good."

Chuhua said: "Busy places are good for business, Taotao, our good days are yet to come. I used to live the life of a young mistress, but now it seems that this is the real life."

(End of this chapter)

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