Chapter 1828

The man said: "Young master let Cao Shangfei beat him to death!"

When Ba Ye heard this, he immediately sprayed a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Liu Baye's wife brought Baye into the house. Baye was lying on the bed and could not move. Madam Liu said: "What are you trying to do? Isn't this a crime? You! A son who is alive and kicking So gone! What do you think you are doing for? What are you drawing?"

Baye Liu could no longer speak at this time, and in a hurry, Mrs. Liu said: "Now that you lie down, this family is ruined!"

At this time, Zhan Beichen came with Ke Ting and Zhan Xicheng. Liu Baye held his breath and said, "Go and take out all the house deeds, land deeds, and bank notes from our house and hand them over to others." In the past! Don't worry, I mean what I say, and I will get out of this street tomorrow."

Zhan Beichen said: "My third brother will go through the formalities. I'm here today to tell you that I've given you countless chances before, but you just didn't work! I also give in to you, but you still don't agree Forgive me, there is no way I will accept it this time!"

After Zhan Beichen finished speaking, he sent someone to directly take over all of Liu Baye's business. This incident caused a sensation in Bingcheng. Since then, no one dared to come to Zhan Beichen's place to mess around again. Zhan Beichen has since become this The leader of the street.

Unable to bear the humiliation, Baye Liu finally hanged himself outside the city on a dark night.

Zhan Beichen said to Ke Ting: "The rich man helped us this time. Tomorrow, let's go to Sanxian Mountain to offer incense to him and give him some money!"

Ke Ting said: "This is what it should be. It's fine for me and my third brother to go! You can stay here."

Zhan Beichen said: "Third Brother, you can bring some good things for the girl. The head of the family has left, and she feels uncomfortable. If she wants to come back, you can take it back. If she doesn't want to come back, let her stay there."

After Zhan Xicheng met Ruan Shiqing after sweeping the rich man's tomb, Zhan Xicheng said, "Sister, are you planning to stay here? This is not the right way after all, go back with brother. Our family is now the leader of the chamber of commerce!"

Ruan Shiqing said: "Third Brother, the rich man is gone, and my soul is staying in Sanxian Mountain."

Zhan Xicheng saw Ruan Shiqing's resolute attitude, and said, "Then I won't persuade you. Your fourth brother asked me to bring you ten sheep. After all, you are now the boss here. Don't lose money, brothers."

Ruan Shiqing said: "Thank you, third brother! Go back and take care of my fourth brother and sister-in-law!"

Zhan Xicheng and Ke Ting went down the mountain!

One year later, the businesses of Zhan Beichen, Keting, and Zhan Xicheng are getting bigger and bigger. It can be said that since Zhan Xicheng took back Baye Liu, the locals really fell and scattered. Zhan Beichen took over half the street, It can be said that Zhan Beichen's business is getting bigger and bigger, and Zhan Nanwei has also been promoted to three levels in a row.

In recent years, Shen Chuhua's mind has been devoted to studying medical skills. Shen Chuhua's medical skills are becoming more and more exquisite. Shen Chuhua never goes to see a doctor. He only occasionally shows them to Shen Chuhua through private introductions through friends. Look.It is said that there is no impenetrable wall in this world. There is a family living in this ice city. This family is a nobleman among the nobles in the north. This family's surname is Na, and the owner of the family is the famous uncle at that time!

On this day, the family sent someone to find Shen Chuhua, and the family sent the manager, who said to Shen Chuhua: "Doctor Shen, I have heard about your name for a long time, and I am the manager of that uncle. Look at your mother, I wonder if you have time?"

(End of this chapter)

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