Chapter 1851

Zhan Nanwei said: "We haven't done anything wrong, this lawsuit can't be held against us. Don't worry. When this lawsuit is clarified, we will continue to open the firm!"

Zhan Xicheng said: "Let's not talk about this for now, the night is long and has many dreams, you have to make up your mind quickly."

Zhan Nanwei said: "It's getting late, let's go to bed quickly, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Zhan Xicheng said: "Second brother, is shopkeeper Li just placed there in the firm?"

Zhan Nanwei said calmly: "Let's put it like this for now." Zhan Xicheng saw that his second brother didn't want to talk anymore, so he left the room.

After Zhan Xicheng left, he didn't go back to sleep, so he went out secretly to Dongshan Street. Zhan Xicheng quietly came to this firm during the day when there was no one there, thinking about looking at the corpse of shopkeeper Li. , as soon as Zhan Xicheng entered the house, he found that shopkeeper Li was missing.

The next day, Zhan Xicheng found Zhan Nanwei and said, "Second brother, I really couldn't sleep last night. I thought this matter was more evil. I didn't discuss it with you. I thought about going to see what's going on. But who knows what's going on, shopkeeper Li is gone! Disappeared! I've searched all over the store, but I can't see anyone. I figured it must be that kid who took shopkeeper Li away."

Zhan Beichen asked, "Why did he take it away?"

Zhan Xicheng said: "He is afraid that we will be taken away. Without the body, can he blackmail us?"

Zhan Nanwei said: "Let's go eat first, don't think too much about it." Zhan Xicheng said: "Second brother, we can't help but feel calm!"

Zhan Nanwei said: "I don't believe it, lice can still lift up the quilt, that's when boils always pop up!"

Zhan Xicheng said: "Second brother, I heard what you said, you have clearly understood this matter!"

Zhan Nanwei said: "As soon as we came to Shandong Street, shopkeeper Li was in the dead body shop, and then someone ran into him immediately! That person is still here and we don't report it. We heard what he said and didn't report it. This person will never be found. There is a hand behind this!"

Zhan Xicheng said: "You mean that someone set us up for this matter? We just came to Dongshan, and we have no enemies! The matter of Bingcheng is airtight, and now that Ruan Shiqing is taking over, we will definitely Blocked the news."

Zhan Nanwei looked at Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting, and said to Zhan Xicheng: "So let's not be afraid of anything, and straighten our backs!" Zhan Nanwei looked at Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting again, and said to Zhan Xicheng: " These two have already seen it, and you only saw it!"

At this time, someone suddenly came looking for Zhan Nanwei outside. After Zhan Nanwei went out with the others, he saw the man from yesterday. The man saw him and said, "Masters, you all came out. Did you sleep well last night?" The man looked at them smugly.

Zhan Xicheng said, "What do you mean by that?"

The man said: "To tell you the truth, I started to have nightmares as soon as I lay down after I got home yesterday. It scared me to death. That shopkeeper Li came and went at a time. In our dreams, we cry and laugh at a time." , and chatted with me, I didn’t sleep well all night. Now I’m dizzy.” After speaking, the man started to yawn.

(End of this chapter)

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