There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1890 Ke Ting Was Imprisoned

Chapter 1890 Ke Ting Was Imprisoned

Later, through Zhan Beichen’s interview, I found out that the situation is roughly like this: That day Ke Ting still walked the familiar way home according to his usual habits, Ke Ting walked happily on the street with flowers in his hand At this time, a black Ford car suddenly appeared from behind Ke Ting. When the car drove up to Ke Ting, a young man opened the window and shouted: Boss Ke!When Ke Ting heard someone calling him, he stopped and looked into the car. Before Ke Ting could realize what was going on, the man in black took out a straw from his hand. , The young man blew a metal object at Ke Ting with a straw, and the metal stuck directly into Ke Ting's body with a "bang!"

When Ke Ting lowered his head to look at the metal object, Ke Ting lost consciousness instantly and collapsed to the ground.At this time, Zhang Taotao had already prepared the food and drink at home, and Zhang Taotao was already waiting for Ke Ting to enter the house after pouring the wine according to the time, but Zhang Taotao couldn't wait for a long time...

A day later, at this time, Ke Ting appeared in No. [-] fence...

On this day, many people were guarding outside the No. [-] fence. At this time, a black Ford car was slowly approaching. The car was full of people. The front row was the driver and the co-driver, and the back row were three people. , the person in the middle of the back row was covered by a black hood, and knew nothing about the outside situation. The two people in the back pushed out of the vehicle, and the person being detained was Ke Ting.

At this time, the two people behind the black car escorted Ke Ting to the main entrance of the No. [-] fence. One of the men handed over a document to the guard at the gate. The document was wrapped in a yellow kraft paper bag. The guard opened the document. Signal those around you to let go.

The two little guards around took Ke Ting from their hands, and Ke Ting was brought into the No. [-] fence like this.

The No. [-] fence is guarded layer by layer, with hundreds of people holding heavy weapons on each layer, and the guards are heavily guarded.At this time, a high-level guard on the second floor was watching everything, and the high-level guard came to greet them in person. The guards saw the high-level person coming in person, and saluted him one after another.

The person being saluted is the highest person in charge of the No. [-] fence, who was nicknamed "The White-Faced Scholar".This white-faced scholar grew up to be gentle and gentle. Although the white-faced scholar is ruthless, he is very principled and has a bottom line in his work.

After taking the document, the white-faced scholar looked at it carefully and took off Ke Ting's hood. After taking off the hood, Ke Ting saw that the people in front of him were all neatly dressed in uniforms. He didn't know where he was. Ke Ting Ting carefully looked at everyone around him, at this moment the white-faced scholar asked, "What's your name?"

Ke Ting said in a low voice: "Ke Ting." After Ke Ting finished answering, he kept looking at the white-faced scholar, and the white-faced scholar asked, "What's wrong?"

Ke Ting answered quickly with a questioning face: "I didn't do anything wrong. I was brought in in a daze." After answering, Ke Ting asked the people around him blankly: "What's wrong with me?"

At this time, the white-faced scholar said seriously: "I announce three precepts: first, do not ask questions, second, obey, and third, refer to the previous two."

(End of this chapter)

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