Chapter 1916

After a while, Zhan Beichen came in, Zhan Beichen walked into the visiting room, Ke Ting's hands were fixed, Zhan Beichen felt very uncomfortable seeing his brother suffer so much, and secretly vowed to kill him go out!

Ke Ting showed a long-lost smile after seeing Zhan Beichen...

Zhan Beichen sat down at random. Ke Ting was a little excited. He hadn't seen his relatives for several months. Seeing that Zhan Beichen had lost weight these days, Ke Ting said, "Brother, you've lost weight! Taotao What about outside?"

Seeing Ke Ting's state in front of him, Zhan Beichen knew that he had been suffering inside these days, and tears glistened in Zhan Beichen's eyes. Zhan Beichen said, "It's outside, and the first painting is here." Speaking of other things, Ke Ting knew that Zhan Beichen must have worked hard to save himself these days, Ke Ting asked, "Do you know who did it?"

Zhan Beichen shook his head, without saying a word, Ke Ting knew that this matter was not easy, Zhan Beichen said, "I will rescue you."

Ke Ting said: "Of course I know, but now is not the time, I understand you."

Zhan Beichen said: "Brother, I feel at ease knowing that you are fine, I will find a way to see you often!" After Zhan Beichen finished speaking, he showed Ke Ting a strange smile, Ke Ting knew that Zhan Beichen The idea is just because others are embarrassed to say it clearly.Before leaving, Zhan Beichen left Ke Ting some gold bars.

From the first moment of today, Zhan Beichen has been looking at the surrounding environment all the time, muttering something in his mouth while watching, as if calculating, Zhan Beichen also treats everyone around him with special care when he walks away. pay attention to.

Just when Zhan Beichen went in to visit, Zhang Taotao wrote a letter outside and handed it to his deputy. Zhang Taotao said, "Don't let me meet. Please give this letter to him. It's okay to write a letter."

Some hesitation was seen in the eyes of the deputy, and then the deputy took it and said yes!

The deputy said: "You all go back, don't worry, we will take care of it!" Zhang Taotao faced Ke Ting and couldn't see each other. I'm right in front of your eyes, but I can't meet you.

After Zhan Beichen came out, he left No. [-] with Shen Chuhua and Zhang Taotao.

During free activities the next day, the assistant deliberately took the letter written by Zhang Taotao yesterday in their activity area. At this time, when the assistant saw Ke Ting, the assistant shouted: "0921!"

Ke Ting instinctively looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a letter in the deputy's hand, and the deputy tore up the letter in front of his face triumphantly. The letter was torn all over the floor by him Ke Ting knew that this letter was written by Zhang Taotao yesterday, and also guessed that yesterday's incident was planned by his deputy. Ke Ting's heart was cut like a knife. This is not tearing the letter, it is tearing Ke Ting's heart Same.

There was a hint of murderous intent in Ke Ting's eyes, but this was completely ignored by the deputy, who was completely complacent.

The assistant tore up the letter and left. At this time, Ke Ting took off his coat. Since the playground was paved with pebbles, Ke Ting unhurriedly took off his clothes and spread his clothes on the ground. On the ground, I grabbed several handfuls of stones and put them on the clothes, and then wrapped them up like a big stone.

(End of this chapter)

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