There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1961 Consultation 2

Chapter 1961 Consultation 2

Shen Chuhua nodded and said: "Only the two of us heard what we said, and we will definitely not let the third person know."

Seeing that the timing was ripe, Shen Chuhua said: "To be honest, although I am a fortune-teller, I have a lot of research on Chinese medicine."

When Secretary Hu heard this, he immediately took out a gold bar and handed it to Shen Chuhua, saying, "Then please ask Master to feel my pulse, how about it?" Secretary Hu looked at Shen Chuhua expectantly, looking forward to Shen Chuhua was able to diagnose his pulse.

There is no reason why this person can't get along with money. Although Shen Chuhua doesn't care about money very much and is used to seeing gold bars, but in order to cooperate with the acting, Shen Chuhua had to pretend to be open-minded about money and said: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders!"

Speaking of which, Shen Chuhua put his hand on Secretary Hu's pulse, and after a while Shen Chuhua said: "You are overworked today, which leads to loss of appetite, and you have too many troubles recently, and you are a little angry. You take three doses of medicine according to my prescription, and take them before going to bed. After drinking these three doses, you will be guaranteed to cure your illness!"

Shen Chuhua picked up a pen and wrote a prescription, it doesn't matter what the prescription is, it's nothing more than something to relieve internal heat, invigorate the spleen and whet the appetite.

Secretary Hu hurriedly took the prescription from Shen Chuhua's hand, and said cautiously: "My master has been in poor health recently, and he has invited many famous doctors, but none of them recovered. Everyone said that there was nothing they could do. Madame is also very anxious, I wonder if you can do me a favor?"

Shen Chuhua said: "Since I have consulted so many doctors but they still haven't recovered, I can't guarantee that I will be able to make a diagnosis. I'm just afraid..." Of course, Shen Chuhua couldn't talk too much, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to come down when the time came. Before Shen Chuhua could finish speaking, Secretary Hu said, "It's not a problem. If you're not sure about some intractable disease, just say that your lord has nothing to do recently, but you just have some thoughts. Huo, I'm sure you'll be fine. Our master sees that his family's income is not as brilliant as it used to be, and he knows a little bit of anger."

Shen Chuhua agreed, and Secretary Hu continued: "It's just that what you said earlier, you must never tell my master, it is a big taboo, especially what you said outside the door, If the truth reaches his old man's ears, even I will have to see Lord Yan!"

Shen Chuhua agreed without hesitation, thinking in his heart: This is a miser with a very small mind, how can such a person become a commander-in-chief?Apart from the tens of thousands of acres of land his father gave him, the treasury left for him, and this compound, what else does he have?What else is he?

After Zhan Beichen delivered Shen Chu's painting, he hurried back to his home from the secret passage to avoid being discovered by others, so Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting deliberately appeared in the eyes of those eyeliners.

Ke Ting and Zhan Beichen drove to Chairman Feng's office. Ke Ting and Zhan Beichen had gotten along very well with Chairman Feng these few times, so they avoided the cliche etiquette when they met.

President Feng was the first to speak: "You two virtuous brothers, you have already visited the white-faced scholar? How do you feel? What did you talk about?"

Ke Ting said: "To tell you the truth, I met the white-faced scholar and he told me a lot. Now I have decided to be the manager of this bank."

(End of this chapter)

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