Chapter 1963

The three of them got up to send them off, but they were stopped by Guild Master Feng, and said, "They are all brothers from my own family, so you don't have to be polite, just stay." Guild Master Feng said this out of politeness, but the three of them still insisted Chairman Feng sent the car to the car, watched the car go away, and the three of them returned to the bank.

Shopkeeper Qian saw that President Feng was gone, turned around and said to Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting, "Two managers, just tell me if you have anything to do. I'll go back to work in my account room first."

Ke Ting stretched out his hand and said, "Please!"

Shopkeeper Qian said to Wang Er, the shopkeeper next to him: "Xiao Wang, take the two managers around our bank to get acquainted with each other." After talking, Shopkeeper Qian left.

Ke Ting glanced at Zhan Beichen, and Zhan Beichen understood what Ke Ting wanted to say from Ke Ting's eyes: This man is so arrogant, obviously he doesn't take us brothers seriously.

Ke Ting said to Xiao Wang: "Go and show me the account books of the last three years. I want to see the operating conditions of our bank."

Xiao Wang hesitated for a moment and muttered, "This...I'm afraid."

Ke Ting glanced at Xiao Wang and said, "What? I'm the manager here now, don't I have the right to read the books?"

Xiao Wang said: "Of course you have this right, but the account book is kept by Qian Treasurer, and I don't have the guts."

Ke Ting said: "You just say that I want to see the account book, and get it here quickly, or I will waive you now!"

Ke Ting's tone carried a trace of majesty. As soon as Ke Ting's voice fell, the treasurer Qian came over with a thick stack of ledgers and said, "The small one is brought to you. Please have a look at the two managers."

Ke Ting thought to himself: This person is really not simple. I said it nicely to look at the account book. In fact, he knew that I wanted to check the account book, and now he took the initiative to send it to me, indicating that it was prepared in advance. This account book must be fake. Yes, there must be a copy in his hand, and that copy is the real one.

Ke Ting didn't have any reason for a while, so he could only say: "Leave this alone, you guys go out."

Shopkeeper Qian went out with Xiao Wang.

Ke Ting felt a headache looking at the thick account book in front of him. He didn't know where to start. Ke Ting flipped through a few pages. any flaws.

Zhan Beichen also looked at the ledger and said, "The ledger is really beautiful."

Ke Ting said: "If you want to really manage the bank, you must control the power of the bank, and the help of President Feng is indispensable behind it. Now the treasurer of the money obviously doesn't pay attention to the two of us, and the thief is the first to capture the king. , our first step is to subdue this treasurer.”

Ke Ting said |: "Then let's start with this ledger."

Zhan Beichen said: "The account books they make are so perfect, where do we start? Every account has come and gone, without any flaws."

Zhan Beichen said, "Now we don't have anything to do, we can't do anything."

Ke Ting said: "No one is perfect, and this account book is the same. I don't believe that there is not a single fake account here. As long as there is one fake account, he will have more fake accounts to balance the first one." Pen. As long as we find out this first fake account, all problems will be solved.”

(End of this chapter)

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