Chapter 1980

Zhan Beichen hesitated for a while, not knowing how to speak for a while, Ruan Shiqing looked at the phone on the other side of the class and knew that the fourth brother was in trouble, so he said directly: "Fourth brother, don't be polite to me. Now, if you have anything to say, just tell me, do you still take me as your sister?"

Hearing this, Zhan Beichen obviously didn't feel unfamiliar with him. Although they haven't seen each other for a few years, they still have a deep relationship with each other. When they were in their hometown in the south, it was Zhan Beichen who took care of her the most, and the relationship between the two brothers and sisters was also the deepest. of.

Zhan Beichen said, "Sister, brother wants to borrow five hundred brothers from you."

When Ruan Shiqing heard this, he was still a little surprised. He felt that he was the leader of the crowd there with his ability, but since he opened his mouth, it was inconvenient to ask more questions. He still had enough people in his hands, just like the old Sanxian Mountain. Helping brothers is the most reliable, and they are also his own direct descendants. It is best to use them, Ruan Shiqing said directly: "When? Where? By the way, brother, where have you been these past few years? I don't know what to do." Here is a letter. How is sister-in-law?" Although the tone was complaining, it was filled with great concern.

After Zhan Beichen heard it, his heart warmed, and he said, "Brother, you haven't been doing very well these past few years, so I haven't contacted you. Let's not talk about it. On the eighth day of the eighth day, my place was Dongshan Wanchun Building. You have entered Dongshan, and I will meet you. Do you have any questions?"

Ruan Shiqing said: "Time is a little tight, but I did the math. If you can make it overnight, there must be no problem. How much equipment?"

Zhan Beichen said: "One light weapon is enough for each person. These people must act resolutely and prohibit them."

Ruan Shiqing said: "They are all my former brothers, absolutely no problem, absolutely reliable!"

When Zhan Beichen heard this sentence, he glanced at Ke Ting. Ke Ting knew that there was no problem with this matter, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhan Beichen said, "Okay, then I will be in the city on the eighth day of the eighth day. Greet your brothers outside, and I will wear a white glove on my left hand when the time comes."

Ruan Shiqing said, "By the way, brother, are you guys dressed?"

Zhan Beichen replied: "Casual clothes!"

After the two parties hung up the phone, Zhan Beichen took a sip of tea from his teacup and said to Ke Ting, "Let's just wait and see how Master Qian loses!"

Ke Ting said: "We can't take it lightly. Although we know something about Shopkeeper Qian, we don't know anything about the other party's situation."

Did Zheng Saner immediately go to Wanchun Tower after taking the gold bar from Ke Ting? When Zheng Saner went this time, he swaggered and was much more chic than last time. As soon as Zheng Saner entered, the one who greeted him before The middle-aged woman rushed out to greet her, and no one could neglect the God of Wealth if she neglected it. At this time, Zheng San'er was his God of Wealth.

The middle-aged woman said charmingly: "My lord, it's not dark yet. Why did you come so early today?" The middle-aged woman put her arms on his shoulders as she spoke. Zheng San'er didn't refuse, he was already burning with anger at this time, and his heart was very hot, but Zheng San'er knew that he couldn't delay the business, so he took a deep breath and said: "As for me, I just want to confirm this time. I covered everything on the ninth day, and my friend can’t come these days because of something, but we agreed in advance that it will be covered for seven days, in order to make up for some losses for you, how about I compensate you with a gold bar?”

(End of this chapter)

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