Chapter 210 Threatened

Zhan Beichen spread his legs apart, tilted his head slightly, looked like a haughty bastard, and said in a cold voice, "What do you mean?"

Shen Jibin was already trembling with fright. He looked at Zhan Beichen with eyes like a cow, and his face turned pale with fright.

Zhan Beichen's dagger was pointed at Shen Jibin's head suddenly, and he said coldly, "If my wife hadn't stopped me, I would have executed you as a rascal, and died long ago."

As Zhan Beichen spoke, he moved his head left and right, and his neck made a clicking sound.

Shen Jibin nodded again and again, "Okay, okay, I'll let them move out today."

"What about the deed?" Zhan Beichen asked again.

"I'll go back and get it now!" Shen Jibin didn't dare to bargain again.

"Before tomorrow, I will restore that house to its appearance a few years ago. Your family, go clean it up for me yourself, otherwise, I will kill you!" But sometimes his style of acting is a bit gangster, he is like this, fearless, arrogant and arrogant.

Shen Jibin nodded again and again, "Okay, okay!"

"Fourth Young Master, the price has risen to 17 yuan, should we wait?"

"Throw it away!" Zhan Beichen gave an order.

The genteel man in a beige vest nodded, and hastily ran out to instruct the staff downstairs to sell Fourth Young Master's stock!

"That's great, Si Shao!" The gentle man ran back excitedly, "We just sold it, and the stock price fell!"

Zhan Beichen raised his lips arrogantly, "How much did you earn?"

"12!" The gentle man said excitedly.

Zhan Beichen nodded in satisfaction, "Go and get [-]!"

"Ah?" The gentle man was a little surprised.

"Ah what? I want to give my daughter-in-law a necklace, it's exactly 2 yuan, take it out!" Zhan Beichen ordered domineeringly.

The gentle man hurriedly nodded and ran out.

Shen Jibin's big eyes dripped and rolled, 2 yuan?Just buy a necklace for that little bitch Shen Chuhua?Shen Jibin only felt his scalp go numb!

What a luxury!

"Get out!" Zhan Beichen said coldly, and slowly withdrew the dagger in his hand.

Shen Jibin bowed and backed out, his legs went weak when he went downstairs, he accidentally fell, and rolled directly down the stairs.

After Shen Jibin left, the gentle man beside Zhan Beichen came back again with a strange expression on his face.

Zhan Beichen glanced at him and said, "Dongzi, what are you thinking?"

The gentle man next to Zhan Beichen was Xu Pingdong, who used to be the accountant of a large gambling house. By chance, he was rescued by Zhan Beichen, and Xu Pingdong was good at mental calculations, so Zhan Beichen asked him to follow him.

Zhan Beichen plays stocks, and Dongzi settles the accounts for him. Zhan Beichen likes Dongzi's intelligence and loyalty.

"Fourth Young Master, who was that person just now?" Xu Pingdong pushed the black-framed western myopia glasses on his face and asked.

"My wife's bastard uncle, what's the matter, do you know him?" Zhan Beichen shook his neck a little sore after sitting for a long time.

Xu Pingdong immediately ran over to squeeze Zhan Beichen's shoulders and said, "I've seen this man before, many years ago, he was a frequent visitor to the gambling house I was in at that time,

I lost a lot of money and was often beaten up by the boss at the time. I was very impressed with him. This person owed more than 8000 yuan in total.

At that time, our boss was about to cut off his legs and arms. He knelt down and swore that he would pay it back the next day. He also said that his own brother was... a famous rich businessman , I forgot who,

(End of this chapter)

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