Chapter 2117 Care

Of course, what Madrid meant was not what Zhan Gang said. Madrid explained: "Let's not talk about this, you said that when we graduated, you were a school girl, right?"

When Zhan Gang heard this, he praised himself, of course he was a little proud and elated.

Madrid continued: "You then married An Guanyu, the school girl. And you are still so happy!"

Madrid was also in high spirits when he said it, and Zhan Gang was also very proud.

Madrid said: "Just now we were still showing affection in front of us, and they were still a son and a daughter." Madrid was in front of everyone.

What Madrid said, Zhan Gang directly poked the pain in Zhan Gang's heart. They only knew one thing and didn't know the other, and they didn't know about their divorce at all.

Madrid said: "Look, there are two words written on this face is happiness!"

Madrid poked at Zhan Gang's face, a little envious and jealous, but he was really happy for Zhan Gang in his heart!

Speaking of which, everyone laughed. Back then, Zhan Gang was the man of the class. No matter where he went, everyone was centered on him. It is still the same now. In addition, he has a good temper and can drink. The atmosphere is quite good with him. active.

At this time, Madrid said with some self-deprecation: "You are looking at me, I am not married yet, what do you think I am doing for so many years now! You said that I have reached our age, what are we asking for?"

His situation was in stark contrast to Zhan Gang, and Zhan Gang naturally comforted him somewhat.

Zhan Gang put his arms around Madrid's shoulders, recalling some things in those years, he was really moved.

Madrid said: "I just want to seek stability now, but I can't ask for this stability now!"

While talking, everyone sighed. Madrid picked up a bottle of red wine and said, "Come on, let's continue drinking. I'm starting to drink medicinal wine now. Looking back, I plan to get married first and find a young one. I will let her drink too." Give me a son and a daughter."

There is no doubt that Madrid's words are obviously aimed at Zhangang.

Madrid In order to mix the atmosphere, everyone got a glass and everyone poured it into the quilt together.

"Everyone of us poured it, and I still have two boxes in the car!" Since Madrid entered the society, this wine has been drunk more and more.

Youmei interjected a sentence and said very interestingly: "I will also taste this medicinal wine and see if I can have a son after drinking it!"

Everyone raised their glasses, ready to drink.

Since An Guanyu drank Zhan Gang's last glass of wine in a hurry when he came out of the hotel just now, he was a little uncomfortable, so he hurriedly said to Liu Zhengdong, "Pull over."

Before Liu Zhengdong realized what was going on, he quickly pulled over and parked the car. An Guanyu opened the car door, and only heard: "Wow!" He vomited it all out. Liu Zhengdong hurried to buy a bottle of water and some hangover medicine Come on, An Guanyu has been lying beside the car, unable to get up for a while.

At this time Liu Zhengdong quickly ran over, handed the medicine and water he had just bought to An Guanyu and said, "Eat this."

Liu Zhengdong opened the medicine while passing the water.

An Guanyu took it and accepted it.

Seeing An Guanyu's appearance, Zhan Gang felt a little distressed, and said, "I remember, you took this kind of medicine when you were studying!"

(End of this chapter)

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