Chapter 2119

Finally, after drinking, he spoke his mind.

After talking so much, An Guanyu kept looking at Liu Zhengdong to see his reaction.

An Guanyu realized that what he said seemed to be too much, and the other party didn't show anything special, so he said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this to you!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "I didn't expect that I would be so uncomfortable!"

An Guanyu saw that the other party was suffering because of himself, because of his divorce, which was what An Guanyu wanted to see.

What kind of EQ is An Guanyu, of course he would not say it directly, but instead said: "Do you feel sorry for Gangzi?"

This is obviously a routine, and I have to admire An Guanyu's ability to speak.

An Guanyu went on to say: "I know that I am indeed a terrible woman!" An Guanyu said this next sentence in order to have a step up for himself.

Liu Zhengdong said: "I feel sorry for myself!"

Liu Zhengdong's answer like this is really a master's trick!

But An Guanyu didn't expect the other party to speak like this, and looked at him with strange eyes.

An Guanyu said: "Am I divorcing Gangzi? Why do you feel sorry for yourself?"

Liu Zhengdong said: "I'm best friends with Gangzi, but I'm the one who wants him to divorce the most! I'm jealous of his life, I'm jealous of him marrying a wife like you, but I'm the one who doesn't want him to divorce the most! Because only if you are happy, I will feel at ease!"

An Guanyu's scheming just now really worked, and he didn't waste his words in vain.

This is exactly what An Guanyu wanted the other party to say, and the other party finally told him what was in his heart.

Maybe it was because he was young and ignorant when he graduated and didn't know how to live, so he chose Gangzi. If he had to choose again, it would definitely be Liu Zhengdong!

Liu Zhengdong said: "Just now I said that I am different from him because I have always thought of you in my heart!" Liu Zhengdong also knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, and he certainly didn't want to miss it.

I've been holding it in my heart for so long, before there was Zhan Gang, I couldn't say much, I could only bury my feelings in my heart, but now it's different, finally, under the hint of An Guanyu, I said that I was holding back in my heart years of thought.

Faced with the sudden confession, An Guanyu was both happy and contradictory. What was happy was that the other party was still sticking to him, and what was contradictory was his own heart.

Liu Zhengdong said: "When I feel uncomfortable alone, I can only feel at ease when I think about you!" In the past, he and Shan Keiko were just looking for a substitute, Liu Zhengdong knew it clearly in his heart, he saw the other party first At this moment, she has already fallen into this love net!

An Guanyu watched the other party confess to himself, An Guanyu was happy in his heart, but he was at a loss, finally, Liu Zhengdong stepped forward and hugged him in his arms.

An Guanyu did not refuse.

At this time, An Guanyu realized what was going on and said, "No way, Dongzi, let me go!"

This is a woman, she thinks something in her heart, but what she says is the opposite.

That's what a scumbag is like. He understands what the other party is thinking, and says he shouldn't do this, but he thinks very much in his heart.

Of course Liu Zhengdong is a complete scumbag, he understands women's hearts, he also understands An Guanyu's thoughts, and he also understands that there is a purpose for saying this at this time.

At this moment, a dramatic scene appeared. The two of them were in the center of Coal City. Of course, it would be unsightly to do this on the street. It happened that Zhan Gang’s eldest daughter, Zhan Xiaoxuan, had left school.

Seeing two people embracing each other on the road, take a closer look!this is not……

(End of this chapter)

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