Chapter 2169

As soon as Zhan said that, he looked at his hand. He had always carried his and An Guanyu's wedding ring on his hand. It was kept at home before. Because he drank too much, he couldn't remember it. This wedding ring is usually not taken off, but this time I suddenly couldn't remember it, so I said, "Where is my ring?"

Li Xiaoxia looked at Zhan Gang's drunken appearance and said, "I didn't see you wearing a ring."

Zhan Gang said: "It's broken, I fell on the beach while swimming at the beach!"

In fact, I forgot to put it on the cabinet at home.

As he said that, he got up and went out, preparing to go to the beach to find the ring, because his wallet was lost on the beach before.

Li Xiaoxia also got up and chased her out.

After all, the uncle in front of him drank too much and didn't remember at all.

At this time, the waiter came over, afraid that they would run away and not pay the bill, Li Xiaoxia said, "Just put it on the room bill."

Zhan Gang staggered to the rocking chair before, and Li Xiaoxia also followed. Li Xiaoxia was wearing a swimsuit, which was really good-looking, showing all the advantages of her figure.

Zhan just came to the beach because he couldn't remember, so he rummaged around, opened all the chairs but couldn't find the ring he was looking for, Li Xiaoxia stopped him: "Uncle, you've drunk too much, rummage around What, stop messing around here."

While Zhan Gang was making trouble, Li Xiaoxia cleaned up.

Zhan Gang saw that he couldn't find it, and was even more anxious, muttering in his mouth all the time: "Where can the ring be dropped!"

Zhan Gang searched randomly and found nothing. Li Xiaoxia was also busy behind her, and said, "Don't run so fast, can you?" Zhan Gang is a physical education teacher. Still very neat.

Li Xiaoxia said: "I really didn't see you wearing that ring."

Zhan Gang has always been worried about An Guanyu, he still refused to admit the fact of his divorce before, but now he finally told the truth after drinking too much: "I'm divorced, and the ring is gone!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Isn't it because you lost the ring that you divorced? The reasons for the divorce are so strange now! Wouldn't it be over if you buy another one for her? How many carats?"

Zhan Gang waved his hand, didn't say anything, sat on a nearby rocking chair, and muttered in his mouth: "You little kid, you know nothing!"

Li Xiaoxia also sat next to him.

As soon as Zhan sat there, someone came over and asked, "Do you need anything, sir?"

Zhan Gang said casually: "Is there any beer? A few bottles!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "How have you been drinking? Why are you still drinking!"

In the restaurant just now, Li Xiaoxia had been watching Zhan Gang drinking there, but she didn't drink much at all, and if both of them drank too much, it might cause trouble.

So Li Xiaoxia kept a mind and didn't drink so much wine.

Now seeing that Zhan Gang is getting divorced, he doesn't care so much, just drink it.

Zhan Gang looked at Li Xiaoxia in front of him and said, "Girl, what do you do, can you just leave me alone for a while?"

At this time, the waiter brought a bucket of cold beer and put it next to Zhan Gang.

Li Xiaoxia said: "Uncle, I'm really not that nosy person. But you ate with me and drank too much. I have to take responsibility!"

(End of this chapter)

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