There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2199 found that person

Chapter 2199 found that person

Ah Hui knew that Li Xiaoxia would definitely come to this concert.

When Ah Hui was singing on the stage, he vaguely saw a figure, and the very familiar figure belonged to Li Xiaoxia.

In the evening, the concert was over, and I sent a text message to Li Xiaoxia on the court alone: ​​Let's plant a tree again, I hope you can fall in love with me in music.

When Ahui and Li Xiaoxia saw this text message, their hearts were incomparably mixed, but Li Xiaoxia thought of a sentence: a good horse never turns back.

So I decided to bring Ah Hui closer to the blacklist.

From then on, the two never saw each other again.

Li Xiaoxia is destined to be sleepless this night, after all, how can she forget her boyfriend who has been in love for eight years.

At this time Li Xiaoxia thought of Zhan Gang, although Zhan Gang was not as young as Ah Hui, but that kind of calmness was what she wanted, or it could be said to be her dream.

Li Xiaoxia was very confused about what to do, and she couldn't make up her mind for a while.

Through this concert, Ah Hui's popularity exploded on the Internet, and all the forums on major websites were all about him.

When Li Xiaoxia went to work the next day, a colleague said, "Why do I see you so lonely today? The Internet forums are full of hope that you will have relatives and get married! This world is still warm and loving."

That night, Ah Hui mobilized the power of his fans and posted a post on a forum. This post was about himself and Li Xiaoxia.

After all, Ah Hui couldn't forget Li Xiaoxia.

Li Xiaoxia was busy working alone, and didn't know what her colleagues were talking about. While cleaning, she said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Where are you talking?"

When Zhan Xiaoxuan was out of school, he invited a male classmate of his to accompany him to go shopping and buy clothes. After choosing a set of clothes in a specialty store, he asked when trying them on, "How do you look good?"

This classmate definitely liked Zhan Xiaoxuan a little bit, and said: "Looking is good-looking, but don't you think the design of this dress is too simple?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan is still a more avant-garde type of person, perfectly inheriting An Guanyu's fine tradition, choosing a navel-baring outfit.

When the time came, Zhan Xiaoxuan thought the dress was very beautiful and said with joy, "What do you know, you!"

This classmate of Zhan Xiaoxuan was browsing the forum and suddenly saw a photo, this person looks a lot like Zhan Xiaoxuan's father.

Said: "Student Zhan Xiaoxuan, do you think this person is your father?"

It turned out that it was Li Xiaoxia who posted a post on a forum about her travels, and because Ahui posted a post about herself, she wanted to come forward to clarify.

So I posted the back view of Zhan Xiaoxuan's father on the post.

Zhan Xiaoxuan's classmates were still very surprised when they saw it. Zhan Xiaoxuan quickly took out his mobile phone and saw that it was really his father.

The post is like this: Uncle, when I returned to my hometown, I realized that I don’t have your contact information. I still miss your leaving without saying goodbye. I miss our time at the seaside. I want to know how you are doing now. If possible, please send Send me my seaside photos.

Signed to leave their own address.

Zhan Xiaoxuan's classmate saw this post and asked: "This post is a man and a woman?" In fact, this is asking knowingly, how can a man be so intimate?

(End of this chapter)

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