There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2210 Report from the Chapter Family

Chapter 2210 Go home and report

Li Xiaoxia's colleague said while eating pizza: "Then you mean that you don't like him anymore?"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Then let me put it another way, isn't it just a man, there are not many people in the street?"

Seeing that Li Xiaoxia's attitude had changed a bit, Li Xiaoxia's colleague said: "That's right, isn't it just a few photos, let's leave the head office at the worst, and find a better one to take more photos for you in the future."

At this time, Zhan Xiaoxuan returned home from the date.

Zhan Xiaoxuan saw his younger brother sleeping in the kitchen, and his father was cooking in the kitchen, so he didn't want to say: "Dad, what are you doing? How can you let my brother sleep in the kitchen when you cook?"

Zhan Gang said: "Okay, what are you shouting for? He is sleepy and wants to sleep. I will tell him to go back to sleep and he will not do it."

It hurts to see my brother sleeping in the kitchen.

It was just a comforting meal, after all, he is his own younger brother, and the adult's business is the adult's business after all, the relationship between the two siblings is still very harmonious.

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Then you can't put him on the edge of the chopping board. It is said that men can't take care of children. I thought you were an exception."

As he said that, he was going to take his brother back to the house to sleep!

Zhan Gang said: "Look at your tone of voice, how come you are just like your mother!"

At this time, Zhan Xiaosong didn't wake up, but was woken up, a little unhappy, a little crying!

Zhan Gang said: "Look, I told you not to touch him. He slept well, and now you cry when you move?"

Saying that, Zhan Xiaoxuan carried his younger brother back to the house.

Zhan Gang said: "By the way, I still have to ask you about what happened yesterday. How can I get more and more wrong? Do you have something to hide from me?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "As expected, like a daughter, like a father, then I will be all over you, that girl, don't worry about it, I met you for you."

Zhan Gang was a little puzzled by these words and said, "What have you been doing?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "If you really get along with that woman, not only will Xiaosong and I not have a good life, but the rest of your life will also be over. I'm hungry, you give me the whole egg!"

After the two settled down with Xiaosong, they came out of the kitchen and started talking about it.

Zhan Gang said: "Wait a minute, if you don't make it clear, you will have nothing to eat."

Zhan Xiaoxuan deserved to be eloquent and said: "Okay, Gangzi, my stepmother hasn't come in yet, you are so vicious!

Zhan Gang said: "What stepmother and stepmother, you tell me clearly, what's going on!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said what he saw and heard today: "She is a rascal woman, neither gentle nor virtuous at all, not to mention being unreliable as a daughter-in-law, even being a girlfriend!"

Zhan Gang felt that what Li Xiaoxia said was different from this child. After all, he had seen it with his own eyes, and he had been with her for a few days.

Zhan Xiaoxuan went on to say: "I am responsible for you, so I went to check for you. You have to thank me, you know!"

Zhan Gang said: "I have seen that he is not like what you said at all."

Zhan Xiaoxuan kept on saying, "No wonder men in love lose their minds, Dad, let me tell you the truth, that girl really isn't very good-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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