There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2213 Don't Give Up

Chapter 2213 Don't Give Up

Zhan Gang knew that he couldn't talk about his girl, so he didn't plan to say it anymore. After all, what his girl said made sense, even though she was still a minor, she knew a lot.

Zhan Gang got up and said: "You better stop talking, I'll go fry two eggs for you!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "It's better to be my father!"

On the way home, Li Xiaoxia saw Ahui waiting there. She didn't intend to make up with Ahui, so she pretended that she hadn't seen her. Ahui saw that Li Xiaoxia ignored her, so she got into the car and drove for a long time. Slowly following behind her, whistling while driving, was still the same virtue as before.

Ah Hui still didn't give up on Li Xiaoxia, and felt that the eight years of his life could not just be wasted like this.

Li Xiaoxia just walked forward as if she couldn't see.

Ah Hui's appointment with Li Xiaoxia this time was actually for a job.

Li Xiaoxia saw Ahui waiting for her there, and said, "Tell me if you have anything to say, and leave when you're done."

Li Xiaoxia and Ahui had set up a studio before.

Ah Hui said: "Now there are several companies who want to promote our studio. I want to discuss with you and listen to your opinions."

As she spoke, she was about to stroke Li Xiaoxia's hair, but Li Xiaoxia refused, because after all, men and women can't accept each other.

Ah Hui still doesn't give up on Li Xiaoxia. After struggling for so long, he has always wanted to find a chance to get back together with Li Xiaoxia, but he is still the same as before, changing everything, still so childish.

Li Xiaoxia said: "It's pretty good, you'd better do it yourself, don't ask me about this in the future."

After Li Xiaoxia finished speaking, she was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Ahui.

Ah Hui said, "You have no objection?"

Li Xiaoxia said: "What can I say if you did such a good job yourself?"

At that time, the two of them built such a studio when they were still in love.

Seeing that the other party ignored him, Ah Hui said: "We built this studio together. Although we broke up in love, we still have business after all. We are still partners in business. Don't make trouble with money!"

Li Xiaoxia saw that this posture meant that she wanted to take this opportunity to rekindle her old relationship, and she absolutely could not give this opportunity.

Li Xiaoxia said as if there was something serious: "I was really touched after hearing what you said. It proves that we haven't seen each other for so many days, and you are more mature! But just a little bit. To be honest , As for this studio, I don’t plan to continue working on it now, let me tell you the truth, so you must work hard on it alone, come on!”

After Li Xiaoxia finished speaking, she left without giving Ah Hui another chance to speak. Ah Hui knew that getting back together was already impossible.

At this time, it was already at the gate of Li Xiaoxia's work unit, and Ah Hui couldn't bear it any longer, and said: "Li Xiaoxia said you were the one who opened the studio, and you are the one who quit. Are you treating me as a fool? Playing on me What? Are you too irresponsible?"

In fact, Ah Hui knew in his heart that if he didn't call so hard that the other party might really leave him, that's why he used such a trick.

Ah Hui danced and shouted there.

Li Xiaoxia came out and said, "Let me tell you, I was too responsible to you before and ignored my own life, but now I have to be responsible for my own life."

(End of this chapter)

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