There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2291 Advise you to change the band!

Chapter 2291 Advise you to go back to the band!

Ah Hui's mother got up and said, "Then I'll see you off!"

Ah Hui's mother said: "You said this Ah Hui, he usually came back at this time, and I don't know what happened today."

The two of them walked out the door as they talked, and just as they were about to open the door, Ah Hui came in!

Say Cao Cao hastily arrived!

Ah Hui saw Nana coming and didn't speak. His mother couldn't stand it and said, "Why didn't you talk when you came back? Nana has been waiting for you here for a long time! Hurry up and see her off for me." !"

Ah Hui was in a bad mood at this time, and he was still pretending to be Li Xiaoxia in his heart. After all, the two had been in love for so long, and now they still couldn't let go!

No matter how many times Ah Hui turned around, he would go back to his room.

Ah Hui's mother couldn't stand it anymore and said, "What's the matter with you, didn't you hear me?"

Ah Hui's mother was a little anxious. This little girl was still very good, but her son didn't care about her.

Ah Hui's mother then said: "Go quickly and see her off for me!"

Ah Hui went out straight away. Just as Ah Hui's mother was about to lose her temper, Nana stopped her and said, "He may be in a bad mood. I'll be fine if I follow him!"

Nana and Ahui have known each other for a long time, and Nana has always been interested in Ahui.

It's just that Ahui has always been lukewarm towards Nana.

As he said that, he quickly chased him out and said, "Brother Hui, wait for me for a while!"

Ah Hui has been running wildly on the road, and his mood is extremely depressed. At this time, Nana can't get into his heart at all. After all, his girlfriend who has been in love with him for ten years has fallen in love with an old man. In this way, Ah Hui's heart is very frustrated!

Ahui was running wildly, and Nana was chasing after him.

Nana was shouting all the time.

Ah Hui just ignored him, and finally Ah Hui couldn't run anymore and stopped!

Nana also took a lot of effort to catch up.

Nana said: "I know why you quit your rock band. Do you want to participate in the Olympics? You run so fast!"

Ah Hui said coldly: "Can you not follow me?"

Nana still didn't give up and said: "Without Li Xiaoxia, you will become an enemy of the whole world, right?"

Ah Hui was about to continue running after speaking: "Can you leave me alone!"

Nana said: "Why are you still running? I think you are exhausted now, right? You really have nothing to do!"

A Hui ran in front, and Nana ran behind. A Hui said, "Are you sick?"

Nana said with a good temper: "I'm free too, I'll practice with you!"

The two of them just ran on the road!

Ah Hui also couldn't stop him and said, "Okay, you run! Even if you run [-] meters, I won't go back to the band!"

Nana said, "Okay, then I'll try!"

Ahui broke up with his rock band before, and it was because of Nana. Everyone felt that Nana's appearance fee was too low.

Nana can be said to be the manager of the band, and Nana is in charge of all concerts.

I don't know what happened this time, but because of the relationship between interests, everyone was in a big fight.

So Ah Hui withdrew from the band, not wanting to cause misfortune with them. At the beginning, this band was founded by Ah Hui alone. Now it is really not good that it has reached this point. The original brothers have turned against each other now.

(End of this chapter)

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