There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2362 Large Shopping

Chapter 2362 Large Shopping

*** said: "I'm going to the supermarket, how about you?"

*** Originally wanted to invite Xiaoying to go with her, but she was too embarrassed to say so, but it happened that Xiaoying was going to the supermarket too.

Xiaoying said: "What a coincidence, I'm going to the supermarket too!"

*** This time, he quickly seized the opportunity and said, "I just don't know the nearby road very well, so let's go together?"

Xiaoying said, "Okay, I'll take you to the biggest supermarket nearby!"

This time *** is happy.

jumped up.

*** said: "Go!~"

The two got into the taxi, even sitting together in the back row, *** was a little shy and blushed.

Xiaoying was very natural when she arrived. Xiaoying asked: "What's wrong with you, Sanpang? Why is your face always red today!"

*** said: "'s nothing! I'm just a little hot!"

Then *** took advantage of the situation and rolled down the car window.

*** held back for a long time and said: "Xiaoying, I have a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Xiaoying said with a smile: "Three Fatty, he can also make scenes! Of course I want to hear the good news first!"

*** said: "Well, the good news is that I'm going to go to the province to participate in the selection meeting!"

Xiaoying said: "Great, congratulations! I just said, you must be able to do it!"

But after Xiaoying finished speaking, she fell silent.

Xiaoying realized that going to the province means that the two people will have fewer and fewer opportunities to meet in the future, so the chances of contact in the future will also be less and less. Xiaoying understands that San Pang also pretends to be herself in his heart. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so nervous when he saw himself.

But Xiaoying still said generously: "If you can go to the province, it will prove that you are outstanding. I am really happy for you! So what's the bad news!"

*** said: "In the next month, I will be closed for training. This is arranged by the flying knife coach, in preparation for the selection in the province next month!"

Hearing this, Xiaoying thought about her plan. Next month is the time for the exam. If she applies for the exam, she will also apply for the provincial track and field team. If she can be admitted, it means that she can be with *** Together, at least we can still be in one city.

Xiaoying thought about this idea for a long time but didn't say it, because Xiaoying never did anything unsure.

Xiaoying said: "Then in the next month, you must practice hard, and you must train hard to prove your own worth!"

*** said: "I will definitely do this, I can't live up to everyone's expectations of me! Then..."

*** didn't say the next thing, just wanted to say that I won't be able to see you for the next month, and *** will still miss the other party.

Xiaoying said: "Then you have to train hard for the rest of the time. When you have nothing to do, I will supervise you outside the training hall! You are not allowed to be lazy!"

The life that seemed boring at first was filled with hope all of a sudden. I knew that it was impossible to peek at my training outside, but after hearing this sentence, *** was full of motivation and hope in my heart.

In a blink of an eye, I arrived at the door of the supermarket. *** paid the money and took Xiaoying into the supermarket.

Into the supermarket, *** took the biggest shopping cart.

Xiaoying said: "Why such a big shopping cart! How much do you want to sell?"

(End of this chapter)

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