There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2364 Eating Hot Pot

Chapter 2364 Eating Hot Pot

Xiaoying said: "***, you go over there first. I'm going to get some of my personal items!"

*** said blankly: "Oh, I'll wait for you in the snack area over there!"

After talking, Xiaoying began to prepare her own sanitary products.

***Looking at so many snacks alone, I want to choose a gift for my Xiaoying friend.

***Looked at it and didn't know what to buy, because snacks are junk food and are banned in sports schools.

So *** fell into melancholy.

At this time, nearly three years fat saw a delicate chocolate.

This chocolate is a very classic one.

*** took one and put it in her shopping cart, ready to give it to classmate Xiaoying later.

Xiaoying will definitely like it.

After a while, the two met, and Xiaoying made the choice.

*** said: "Next, close your eyes, I want to give you a gift!"

Xiaoying's heart thumped, no one had ever given her a gift, and every one of her gave her a small gift when she celebrated her birthday.

But this is different, a brother is a brother after all.

So Xiaoying closed her glasses, and she said, "You have to close your eyes, don't peek!"

Xiaoying said: "I closed it, don't peek!"

At this moment, *** took out the prepared chocolate from the shopping cart, put it in front of her eyes, and said, "Now open your glasses!"

Xiaoying slowly opened her glasses, looking at the pink heart-shaped chocolate in front of her, she was really excited.

Xiaoying was moved to tears.

Xiaoying said: "It's the first time someone gave me a gift, Sanpang, you are so kind!"

San Pang's face turned red like a red apple.

The two walked to the cash register, and there were many people at the cash register.

Two people are queuing.

While queuing up, Xiaoying said, "I know you don't want to eat ramen at all. I know there is a delicious one. How about I take you there?"

*** didn't want to hide anymore, and said, "Okay, what do you want to eat? Let's eat!"

Xiaoying said: "There is one of the most delicious hot pot nearby. Let's go to eat it. I usually like it the most!"

Two people paid and came to this hot pot restaurant.

The two sat down and ordered a mandarin duck pot.

Xiaoying usually likes spicy food most, but even though *** is a nine-foot man, she can't eat anything spicy.

So I ordered a mandarin duck pot.

When ordering food, *** found an excuse to go to the bathroom, but actually went to pay in advance. When Xiaoying paid, she said that there was an event in the store. They were lucky today. Free for eight customers.

After *** finished everything, the two of them sat down and started to eat. *** ordered a lot, and Xiaoying was also afraid that the other party would not have enough food, so she ordered a lot.

At this time, the waiter came over and said, "What would you like to drink?"

*** jokingly said: "Is there that bird vodka?"

When Xiaoying heard that it was vodka, she said, "There is a rule in our team that no alcohol is allowed!"

*** said: "I forgot, then have two Cokes!"

So the waiter brought two Cokes.

The two chatted while eating.

*** asked: "I forgot to ask, what is your major?"

Xiaoying pretended to be angry and said: "I have been here for so long, and I don't even know what my major is. Let me tell you, you remember it for me. I am on the track and field team, and my specialty is sprinting."

(End of this chapter)

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