There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2382 Want to ask for leave

Chapter 2382 Want to ask for leave

Li Xiaoxia, who didn't take it seriously at first, didn't expect Zhan Gang to take such a big turn, it was too late, it was really too sensational.

Li Xiaoxia, who was not very happy at first, was really in a good mood when she heard this sentence, and a long-lost smile appeared on her face.

Li Xiaoxia finally couldn't help it anymore, and said, "Since your mouth is so sweet, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Zhan Gang also said bluntly: "This big move, why do you use it every day? It's not a big move if you use it every day."

Li Xiaoxia was also very happy when she heard this sentence, and she couldn't help laughing.

Li Xiaoxia smiled like a child at this time.

Holding this medal, Li Xiaoxia suddenly felt that this thing was very interesting, and she also liked this medal very much. She had never received any honor before, and this was the first honor Zhan Gang gave her.

This one belonged to Zhan Gang and was her own. Li Xiaoxia took the medal and put it on her neck and said, "I'll put this on. I'm the champion now!"

Zhan Gang looked around, at this time Li Xiaoxia was still wearing a student attire.

Zhan Gang said: "Put on my coat! If someone sees this, a teacher like me would think that he is taking the students here for dinner, and even giving the students a medal is obviously a bribe!"

The two laughed loudly, thinking that this scene was really funny!

Li Xiaoxia really didn't want to wear this coat, she said: "But I'm really hot, look at how big the sun is outside now, you actually let me wear a coat in such a big sun. You want to heat me to death Is it?" When Li Xiao talked, he always pouted and acted like a baby, which made Zhan Gang very embarrassed and embarrassed.

Zhan Gang had no choice but to discuss and said: "Then why don't you bear it for a while? How about I buy you ice cream later?"

Zhan Gang is really afraid of being seen by others, especially his colleagues. In this case, if he is seen by others, he will think that he is old and dishonest!

In order to take care of Zhan Gang's emotions, Li Xiaoxia had no choice but to compromise. To be honest, it's not very hot, just a little bit.

In the pet shop at this time, Diane was very happy today, dancing and singing into the room all the time.

But as the saying goes, if you are too happy, you have to be careful.

Diane bounced into the room. At this time, the boss was moving things. Unexpectedly, Diane was knocked by the things in the boss's hand. Diane knew that he was stunned, so he picked it up. Get up and say: "I'm sorry, boss, I'm so happy!"

This is often the case between them, the boss doesn't care about anything, the boss looked at his watch and said: "Why are you in a hurry, isn't this 10 minutes late? If you are in a hurry, I won't scold you Yes, are you in a hurry to reincarnate?"

Diane said: "It's not like this. How about a week's vacation?"

The boss is still very reasonable, knowing that the other party must have something to do, otherwise he would not be like this.

The boss said: "Is there something wrong with your family? Tell me, how much salary do you want to pay in advance?"

Diane said with a smile on her face: "I have nothing to do at home. I am asking for personal leave this time."

The boss said like a child: "Really? Congratulations, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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