Chapter 2399 Boss Proof

At this time, a lot of students had gathered outside the leader's door to watch the fun, including Zhan Xiaoxuan, the girl from Zhan Gang.

When everyone saw that Zhan Xiaoxuan was coming, they hurriedly said, "You are here, let's see what happened to your father inside?"

The leader looked at Li Xiaoxia's speech a little out of tune, but in the face of the pressure from above, there was nothing he could do. Sometimes work was like this, and some things could not be transferred by one's own will.

If you are caught by someone else, you will suffer a loss.

The leader said: "We are talking about serious things now. This matter is very important, especially for Gangzi. It is related to Dao Gangzi's future! Let's stop laughing, okay? Can you be more serious? Seriously?"

This Li Xiaoxia is used to being undisciplined, and no one is used to problems.

Li Xiaoxia said seriously: "I'm not joking! I'm very serious!"

Li Xiaoxia has always been joking and joking with a very serious attitude, and she never feels that there is something wrong with her.

So it is very incomprehensible what others say.I used to be very serious.

At this time, Li Xiaoxia was really at the end of her rope and didn't know how to prove her age. Li Xiaoxia had to take out her phone and said, "Well, I'll call my mother to prove my age!"

This leader was also made speechless by this Li Xiaoxia, he had never seen such a beautiful and well-behaved person.

Zhan Gang was eager to prove his innocence, and said, "Yes, his mother knows how old he is! This one won't lie!"

At this time, the phone was connected, on the other end of the phone.Li Xiaoxia's mother is selling meat in the vegetable market.

Li Xiaoxia's mother answered the phone, and before Li Xiaoxia could speak, she said, "I have an important lady now, and I'm buying big bone sticks and ribs. I'll call you back later!"

Hang up when you're done talking!

Li Xiaoxia said to the leader: "I'm sorry, my mother is busy! I can't prove it. I'll call my boss now!"

At this time the phone was connected.The boss just had a quarrel with Diane. Because of the vacation, there is only one person left in the store. If he offends Li Xiaoxia, he will be a poor commander.

The phone was connected, and Li Xiaoxia said, "Boss, it's me~"

The boss knew that now was not the time to complain, so he could only be red-hot. After all, no one cleaned the store, and it would be too late to find someone first, so he could only coax the old employees not to let Li Xiaoxia have any problems. If you have a bad temper and resign, or else you will lose a lot!

So the boss said: "What about you now, you are my boss!"

When Li Xiaoxia heard it, she thought she was joking with herself.

Li Xiaoxia said: "Let's stop making trouble now, I'm serious! I'll ask you now, are you my boss!"

In front of the leader, he had to prove it to him.

But the leader clearly heard what the other party said on the phone: "I told you, you are my boss, you are my ancestor, you are my biological ancestor! I pay you wages every day just to let you play. of!"

Here, Li Xiaoxia said excitedly: "Have you all heard? He paid me my salary!"

(End of this chapter)

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