Chapter 2466 Bullying!

This person, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

Li Xiaoxia remembered that this scumbag was introduced to her by her mother. Although she was cut off by Diane, her mother is still responsible!

Li Xiaoxia went to her mother angrily to ask what happened.

Diane also thought that this was introduced by her aunt, so she must be right!

But Li Xiaoxia's mother didn't know that there was such a thing!

Everyone is kept in the dark!

Li Xiaoxia went to the living room and shouted loudly: "Mom, come out!"

The mother who was cooking didn't know what was going on, and thought to herself: What's wrong with this?

Li Xiaoxia's mother came out of the kitchen and said, "What's wrong with you? What are you doing, you're such a fuss! What are you doing in the middle of the night? What's the matter? Can't you just talk about it? "

This Li Xiaoxia's mother was also swollen by her own daughter!

Thinking: Didn't I just eat a few biscuits from you!As for the endless! ~

Li Xiaoxia doesn't care about that much!

Straight into the topic and asked: "Where is that Dr. Zhang?"

Only then did Li Xiaoxia's mother realize that it was your Uncle Zhang's nephew!

Li Xiaoxia's mother didn't know what was going on, so she replied, "That Dr. Zhang has lived with your uncle Zhang since he returned to China! What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Li Xiaoxia's violent temper at this time can't bear this bad breath!

Li Xiaoxia pinched her waist and said, "Then you quickly give me the address! I'm going to settle accounts with him!~"

Li Xiaoxia's mother doesn't know what's going on, isn't she in a good mood!

What's wrong with this?

Li Xiaoxia's mother said, "Why do you want someone's address? They must be asleep at this hour! Why do you want him!"

Li Xiaoxia said without joking: "Give me your butcher's knife, and I will chop it into meat sauce!"

Hearing this, there must be something wrong inside!

And it's not an ordinary thing, otherwise I wouldn't be able to say such harsh words!

Li Xiaoxia's mother must ask to understand what's going on!

In fact, if this Lei hadn't been blocked by Dian, the injured person would have been Li Xiaoxia!

That's the way it is!

The more you want, the more you will not get it. At that time, you were the one who went up to suffer this scum, and it has nothing to do with others!

But Li Xiaoxia is still scruples about the feelings of this best friend.

Li Xiaoxia's reaction is over!

Li Xiaoxia's mother said loudly, "Did he bully you?"

Li Xiaoxia said: "He didn't bully me!"

Li Xiaoxia's mother asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Xiaoxia's mother took her girl with her since she was a child, and the two depended on each other for life, playing and playing, and whoever dared to touch her girl had to protect her with all her might!

Even if you don't have the ability, you have to contend with the following!

Li Xiaoxia thought in her heart: It doesn't matter if you tell the truth, after all, it's all about telling the truth sooner or later!

Li Xiaoxia pointed at Diane and said, "Dr. Zhang bullied Diane!"

Li Xiaoxia's mother was very puzzled: Isn't she the one to introduce to my own children!Why did the bullying come to Diane's head!

Li Xiaoxia's mother is very puzzled, but it is best to ask to understand!

Li Xiaoxia's mother said: "You bullied Xiao Dai? How did you bully him?"

In fact, how can bullying be bullying?

(End of this chapter)

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