There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2501 is still affordable

Chapter 2501 is still affordable

The current Zhan Xiaoxuan came out of this puberty, what he likes most is playing with his good friends!

So when she heard that her father would give her money to let her go out to eat by herself, she was very happy!

Zhan Gang also treats his children as friends in this respect, thinking that when he was young, what he lacked the most was money!

So Zhan Gang is very understanding of this aspect!

Zhan just took out a brand new one hundred yuan, but this Zhan Xiaoxuan was very intimate when he saw the money!

No matter how much it was, he went to his wallet and took out another hundred yuan.

Before Zhan Gang could refute, Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "It's not enough for me to have a big meal with my classmates!"

Parents are now enlightened, and they no longer have the idea of ​​raising a poor son and a rich daughter!

Boys and girls are actually rich, and poor children do not mean not giving money in the true sense. This will only make the child feel more inferior.

Only money can give a man enough confidence!

Wherever I go, I am full of confidence, because I can take out money when I have something to do.

A man's self-confidence is definitely not his own ability and strength, but what he has built since he was a child.

Zhan Gang has always been a confident man, and he was born in a wealthy family since he was a child.

Moreover, Shen Chuhua and Zhan Beichen are also very concerned about Zhan Gang's education!

Men's self-confidence is very important!

If you have money, you have confidence. If you don’t have money, you have nothing. Any opinion is to listen to others!

But it's different when you have money!

Although Zhan Xiaoxuan is a girl, Zhan Gang treats her like this!

After Zhan Xiaoxuan took the money, he said loudly, "Thank you Dad!"

Seeing his girl's happy face, Zhan Gang knew that this child would not be wrong in the future, at least he would not go on the road of no return!

After all, Zhan Gang was about to attend an important occasion at night, and Zhan Gang took out his clothes, all of which looked very young, and said, "My good girl, come and show Dad where Which one is better? Which one looks younger to me?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan also gave his own opinion, saying: "This one is more formal, but this one is more casual! It mainly depends on what you are doing, whether you are going for an interview or a date. ? These two are different!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan's opinion was unexpected at that time, it is really unusual to have such a deep understanding at such a young age!

Zhan Gang touched Zhan Xiaoxuan's head and said: "You know a lot now! Which one do you look at that looks younger? Why can't I tell you first! This is a secret!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan laughed at this sentence!

Because I know that my father's girlfriend is very young, even a few years older than myself!

No need to ask, she must have gone to some event with this Li Xiaoxia, otherwise she wouldn't have asked which one looked younger!

But Zhan Xiaoxuan was also very mischievous and said: "You look young! Haha! You can just wear my school uniform! I said, what kind of stimulation are you getting? It's not that Li Xiaoxia doesn't know your age, He is not with you to make you look young! It is useless to fix this! Why are you pretending to be tender?"

(End of this chapter)

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