Chapter 2517 Comfort Dad

As the saying goes, the girl is father's caring little padded jacket, and Zhan Xiaoxuan knew that his father was frustrated outside, so he didn't care about it at all.

Don't ask, just look at the dejected look and you know it must be.

So, this Zhan Xiaoxuan is also planning to encourage and encourage his father, and now the two of them depend on each other for life.

At this time, Zhan Xiaoxuan stopped his plank support, sat on the ground and said, "Father, to be honest, as a middle-aged man, although you are not considered rich, you are really handsome. You have a good temper, these are all your strengths, and people nowadays still prefer the type of uncle like you!"

What Zhan Xiaoxuan said was true, middle-aged men nowadays are relatively rich, and they are deeply liked by this young man, but Zhan Gang is still at a disadvantage in this regard, even if his economic strength is reduced by one piece, it is not up to the standard !

Although Zhan Gang knew that it was his girl who was comforting him, it still sounded very comfortable. After all, after being scolded all day today, he loved to listen to what his girl said when he returned home!

I am used to hearing such ugly words, and I am very happy to occasionally come up with such a nice sentence, even if it is a lie!

Zhan Gang is also very clear about his position!

Zhan Gang said: "People who are rich are called uncles, like me, those who have no money are called uncles!"

What Zhan Gang said still had a sad expression on his face!

The short-term happiness just now is gone!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "What stimulated you, Dad?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan hit the nail on the head, directly hitting Zhan Gang's heart.

The current Zhan Gang needs someone to chat with him. Currently there is only his own child, and the two of them have nothing to hide!

Besides my own business, the children are more supportive!

So Zhan Gang said to his children: "I went to Li Xiaoxia's house today!"

Hearing this, Zhan Xiaoxuan immediately realized it!

Maybe it's because the door-to-door marriage proposal was frustrated!

So when I came back, I was so downcast!

So Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Did you come to propose marriage? You must have seen his parents and asked them to dig them out, right?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan's guess was really accurate.

Zhan Gang lowered his head, lay on the sofa with his eyes closed and said, "Don't tell others!"

It is said that those who understand their children are their parents, but those who understand their parents are also their children!

Zhan Xiaoxuan really knows his father!

Because I know the conditions of my father very well!

This is also in line with common sense!

At this time, Zhan Xiaoxuan giggled and said: "Where can I tell such a shameful thing! I'm not stupid, I just say it, this family is ugly, don't worry, I'm not stupid!"

Zhan Gang scratched his face at this time, and said, "You said that if I told you before I went, would you have to stop me?"

Based on Zhan Gang's understanding of his child, it must be!

Zhan Gang feels that his child's brain is still very bright!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I want to stop then, can I stop you? It's normal for people's parents to disagree, do you need it? You don't even have a little mental preparation ?Actually, you can’t blame her parents for objecting, but the key depends on Li Xiaoxia’s attitude. This is the crux of the problem, and it’s whether Li Xiaoxia is under normal control or not!”

(End of this chapter)

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