Chapter 2539 ready to go

Li Xiaoxia said: "If you are this, then I will be air? Why did Zhan just make a girlfriend and tell you? Who are you?"

Li Xiaoxia just can't understand this person's style of work. Li Xiaoxia is born with a straight heart, and she talks about everything on the surface!

In Liu Zhengdong's heart, he still regards Zhan Gang as a brother!

So Liu Zhengdong said: "I'm talking to my brother, why are you interrupting?"

Liu Zhengdong's gender awareness is very strong!

Liu Zhengdong is also a big boss, no one has ever dared to speak like that!

In my own small circle, everyone revolves around me!

Now suddenly there is such a person who dares to speak like that, Liu Zhengdong is also very angry!

Liu Zhengdong said: "You were not born when we two met, so how can you speak!"

After leaving Gangzi, there is no second person who dares to talk to me so much, and I am very proud of myself!

So Li Xiaoxia also said something wrong!

But Li Xiaoxia doesn't care so much, now is a harmonious society, no matter how big your boss is, it has nothing to do with me!

Li Xiaoxia immediately snapped back and said, "Is that what you have to say? You snatched away his daughter-in-law! What do you mean! What kind of brotherly friendship do you have here!"

Isn't this plainly pretending to be garlic!

Zhan Gang has no choice but to reconcile the two sides!

Zhan Gang had no choice in the end, now he had to unite the front, he had to stand with his girlfriend, and he just let Liu Zhengdong out!

Said: "Okay. Don't quarrel here!"

As soon as he said that, he was taken away by Liu Zhengdong!

Close the door directly!

Liu Zhengdong really hit a wall this time!

The one who asks for trouble is the current self!

When closing the door, Zhan Gang said to Li Xiaoxia: "From now on, don't interrupt when men are talking!"

Zhan Gang still felt that Liu Zhengdong was still his friend!

At least not to the point of breaking up!

Li Xiaoxia said: "What do you mean? People have robbed your wife, so you let him be arrogant and domineering in your house!"

Zhan Gang said: "This is our own business, we can solve it ourselves!"

Li Xiaoxia didn't understand at that time, and said: "Are you making a mistake? I'm talking to you. Why do you have this attitude? He's sorry for you, but you still talk to her? It's true that women are like clothes, and men are like brothers and feet. Shall I go out and apologize to him? But don't affect your brother's feelings because of me!"

Li Xiaoxia is also very angry!

Faced with Zhan Gang's performance, Li Xiaoxia was angry!

Zhan Gang coaxed directly and said: "You, calm down, don't blow up the temple as soon as something happens! It's the same as Zhan Xiaoxuan!"

Li Xiaoxia was angry at this time, and said: "Can I compare with Zhan Xiaoxuan? She is your girl, who am I? These people are all your relatives and have something to do with you, you just don't feel sorry for me , what am I trying to do?"

Li Xiaoxia is really angry, now Li Xiaoxia really feels that she is so useful!

Li Xiaoxia went on to say: "When I was with you, I wanted you to be down-to-earth, but no one around you is down-to-earth! Following one after another is like breaking through a barrier! It's really boring!"

Speaking of which, Li Xiaoxia was about to leave with her suitcase!

At this time, Zhan Gang stopped it all at once!

(End of this chapter)

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