There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2554 Find someone to help!

Chapter 2554 Find someone to help!

The best ingredients are often the ones that need the most original cooking methods!

Even if this lobster doesn't have any seasoning, it's still fresh!

At this moment, Zhan Gang's cell phone rang!

While the child was not paying attention, he sneaked a look underneath, and it turned out that the message from Li Xiaoxia had arrived!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Dad, don't touch your cell phone when you are eating!"

Of course Zhan Gang listened to the child at this time, and quickly put down the phone!

The food eaten by the father and daughter is still very delicious!

Here Li Xiaoxia is still talking with her best friend!

Diane was very surprised and said: "No way? You're staying at their house tonight? Is Gangzi's house reliable?"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Then what's the matter? We are legally married now! Is there anything wrong? Then where do I live in their house? I have broken up with my mother now!"

Diane said: "If you live in their house, does his daughter agree? Will she agree?"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Zhan Gang is already going back to have a showdown with his children! There must be no problem! Besides, this Zhan Xiaoxuan has been very nice to me recently! Don't say anything else, last night Didn’t I go home, so I had no place to go, so I was arranged to sleep on the sofa for the night! This is also a very good signal! At least this child doesn’t reject me now!”

Diane said: "Listen to yourself, are you flattered by the treatment of sleeping on the sofa?"

No matter what Li Xiaoxia is, because today is a good day for herself, after all, it is the day to receive the certificate.

Li Xiaoxia went on to say: "Do you really know? The four happiest events in life, one of the biggest happiest events, the first one is the bridal chamber wedding night! Today is my big day, even though there is no treat , but legally we are a legal couple!"

After talking, Li Xiaoxia left, saying, "I'm so happy tonight!"

This side will be very happy then, but Zhan Gang hasn't settled his child yet!

Diane kept saying, "It's really obsessive!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "From now on, Gangzi's home will be my home! His daughter-in-law will be my daughter-in-law! Also, Gangzi's son will also be my son! His mother will be my mother!" I've been better off in my life!"

Di An still doesn't believe it, no matter what Li Xiaoxia says, she just doesn't believe in this love, after all, there are too many differences, and there is a generation gap!

Diane said: "I see you, if you don't hit the south wall, you don't know how to turn around!"

Li Xiaoxia took her bag and walked out, saying, "I just can't hear you, no matter what you say, I can't hear you!"

Li Xiaoxia's mother also thought about it, since she couldn't explain it to her own child, there was really no other way!

Li Xiaoxia's mother is going to find Ah Hui with some gifts!

I hope to find a ray of light from Ah Hui, after all, they are also the same age!

It's still good after all!

When the relationship was tense before, Li Xiaoxia's mother never made trouble, and always maintained a state of respect for Ah Hui!

Now Sima is really regarded as a living horse!

Li Xiaoxia's mother is walking on the street with things!

Uncle Zhang just followed behind him like this, it has always been like this!

When I grew up, I also disagreed with Li Xiaoxia's mother's approach!

After all, when he was good, he didn't help much, but now that he is in trouble, he has thought of him!

(End of this chapter)

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