There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2569 Told Teacher Sun

Chapter 2569 Told Teacher Sun

Teacher Sun was also very emotional, because after all, it involved his own professional level. One can fail, but one has to be recognized!

It is really sad if your ability is not recognized!

Mr. Sun's hard work for so many years has also proved that his ability is not a problem!

But this time I don't know who complained to me!

This is very disturbing!

After all, this school is a private school, both in terms of teaching quality and teaching environment, it is first-class!

Still report the principle that a student is God!

So the consequences of this complaint are very serious!

Teacher Sun said angrily: "I have been teaching for so many years, and no one has ever questioned my teaching ability!"

Teacher Sun vented his emotions while patting the table!

Now only Zhan Gang can understand his appearance!

Teacher Sun said: "Children nowadays! I asked them to listen to the music of the Beatles more, and they even said I was out of date!"

Zhan Gang persuaded at this time: "You said that you are an English teacher, why did you talk about music?"

Teacher Sun didn't know what to say at this time!

Before, I just vented my emotions at will!

Teacher Sun suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, didn't you say you wanted to tell me some news? What news? Tell me!"

At this time, you can't base your happiness on the sadness of others.

Zhan Gang originally wanted to share his joy in life with Mr. Sun!

Now that the other party has lost his job, it's really not good to talk about this happy event!

Zhan Gang said: "Let's forget it! This is really not the time, I changed my mind temporarily! Let's talk about it another day, we two are just drinking today!"

Teacher Sun is also the most annoying half-talker!

Teacher Sun said: "Don't do this with me. What annoys me the most is that people hesitate to say something! Say it quickly! You also know my personality!"

Talking in half is the most disturbing thing, it's like choking on something!

Zhan Gang hesitated for a long time, thinking in his heart: Anyway, we have been good friends for many years, besides, we also know about the two of us!

Zhan Gang said: "Today, Li Xiaoxia and I have obtained the certificate!"

Teacher Sun didn't believe it. She used to think that this young girl was just looking for some life experience!

Follow Zhan Gang just to experience life.

I didn't expect this Li Xiaoxia to come for real!

Teacher Sun was also very surprised. Teacher Sun always had a wicked heart but no guts!

Teacher Sun still didn't believe it, and said, "Is this true or not? You said that we are also hard-working teachers. Why is our fate so unfair! It's really rich, the wine and meat stink, and the road is frozen to death!"

That night when school was over, Li Xiaoxia's mother came to Zhan Xiaoxuan's school gate, not knowing whether she was waiting for Zhan Gang or who!

At this moment, Zhan Xiaoxuan came out from inside!

Seeing Li Xiaoxia's mother, Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't know what the other party's intentions were, and thought in his heart that no matter if it was a goddamn horse coming, let him go first and then talk about it!

At least it won't affect my father's work!

So Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't wait for Li Xiaoxia's mother to take the initiative to speak, and went over and shouted: "Auntie!"

At this time, I don't care about whether I am grandma or not, after all, it is at the gate of my school, so it is not good for my classmates to see it!

(End of this chapter)

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