There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2596 Intercede with Teacher Sun

Chapter 2596 Intercede with Teacher Sun

An Guanyu's tears were crackling and falling down, but he still insisted on communicating with his child: "Are you reluctant to part with your mother?"

Zhan Xiaosong said: "If you don't want me at that time, I will grow up and be a man, so I won't cry!"

Tonight, An Guanyu's heart hurts like a knife!

These two children have to face the harm caused by this divorce at such a young age!

This is inevitable!

An Guanyu readjusted his mentality and said: "Now you are still young, don't worry about adults' affairs, okay? Mom and Dad are not together anymore, but Mom and Dad still love you very much! Mom swears that no matter what the situation is They won't want you!"

An Guanyu really regrets it a bit now, in fact there is nothing wrong with Zhan Gang, he just loves to drink and doesn't care about housework!

Zhan Xiaosong came to his senses a bit, threw all the toys on the ground, and said, "Dad said he wanted his sister anytime, isn't this sister crying too! I've been wronged!"

This sentence said that I was speechless and didn't know how to answer this sharp question!

An Guanyu said: "Mom, let's play a song for you! Let's listen to the song!"

An Guanyu then played a song!

Looking at the child's eyes, An Guanyu was really heartbroken!

After all, she is a mother of two children, and now the children have such a big grievance!

I am powerless!

This is the most uncomfortable for me!

An Guanyu drove very slowly along the way, and slowly the child fell asleep again!

The next day, Zhan Gang came to the principal's office and said, "You said that Mr. Sun has been working hard for 30 years. Is this fair to him?"

The principal doesn't care so much, this is not his own decision, it is a decision made by the school's high-level research!

The principal said: "You don't need to talk about fairness or unfairness with me! I don't understand! Do you think it's easy for me to be the principal? If the enrollment rate goes up, say that we are cramming education for children. Teach Yule, and say that we let them go! You said that when the education rankings are announced, when your classroom salaries cannot be paid, who am I going to ask for fairness? Let me tell you like this, We are a private school, and we have earned our reputation with great difficulty. We are a business! People say that the customer is God, and that is God! After all, it is a private school, and students and parents are living ancestors, don’t you understand? If I serve others It’s not good, I’m so upset! Who is my money going to? So at this juncture, you are still being messed up by me!”

What the principal said is very reasonable. It is an eternal truth to seek his own government in his position!

Even the headmaster can't do whatever he wants, there are some things that he can't decide at all!

Zhan Gang went on to explain: "Anyway, Teacher Sun has made contributions to the school for so many years!"

The headmaster still said very understandingly: "I can change jobs for him, but he won't do it! What do you think I can do if he doesn't do logistics? You should ask him! You better stop worrying about him! "

It is unbearable for ordinary people to be transferred from an education position to a logistics position!

This is not a question of income, but a question of face!

Teacher Sun still can't bend and stretch!

The principal went on to say: "Up to now, this school is going to punish you, and I am still carrying it on your shoulders! Don't be counted! Now you are a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and cannot protect yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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