There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2600 Sending Courtesy

Chapter 2600

This woman speaks the truth!

People in the Jianghu are just a person with sophistication!

Sometimes people will lose face if they don't get it right!

Teacher Sun's daughter-in-law went on to say: "Our old Sun stayed here without saying a word, and didn't even mention the salary increase! He has been in this school until now!"

The headmaster just nodded repeatedly, not daring to refute!

Teacher Sun's daughter-in-law was furious: "Our grandson will retire in a few years, you are now an arrogant person, you look like a dog, and you still hire a foreigner to teach English! Kicked out by our old grandson! Let me ask you, where is your conscience? Does it not hurt? You, you are more shameless than the daughter-in-law of Zhan Gang's family!"

If this woman is impatient.Say anything, even Zhan Gang is lying on the ground!

The principal in question doesn't have any temper at all, and he doesn't dare to have one!

The headmaster is also suffering!

It's really too difficult, between my own work and my brother's feelings, I still choose the future of work!

After all, the principal believes that this brotherhood cannot support the family!

This is also a tragedy!

This woman doesn't care about 21 [-], she just beats her up!

Crackle with this polo stick!

The principal can only endure it!

The headmaster threatened: "Sister-in-law, if you continue to misbehave, I will call the security guard!"

The principal said so but didn't do it!

Teacher Sun's daughter-in-law stopped and said: "I also gave up my chance to be a singer because of Lao Sun's job!

At this time, Mr. Sun was secretly watching outside, watching a good show, just to see how his daughter-in-law made trouble!

In any case, I vented my anger on myself!

The principal explained: "He can stay in the logistics, no one will be expelled!"

This woman just doesn't listen!

It's just a mess!Do it in one go!

My daughter-in-law was making trouble in the house, and the old grandson secretly applauded outside!

At this time, Liu Zhengdong came to An Guanyu's new house, and pushed in a big suitcase. This suitcase has been his favorite for a long time, and he has never been willing to buy it!

An Guanyu saw Liu Zhengdong come in with one as soon as he entered the door, and said duplicity: "Come here as soon as you come, then what is this for?"

Liu Zhengdong said: "Last time, when we were shopping, you stood in front of this box for a long time, I think you like it! You can hardly move your legs! We just take it with us when we go abroad this time!"

An Guanyu refused, but he really liked it in his heart!

Keep looking at this box!

Filled with joy, he said, "How can it be! I just took another look!"

Liu Zhengdong is so good at pleasing people, he said: "Things that make you look at them more must be good things!"

An Guanyu said: "This is too expensive, it costs several thousand dollars! It's just a box!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "Look at what you said, you represent the image of us Chinese women, what is this several thousand dollars! And this outfit is definitely not bad!"

After speaking, An Guanyu went to the refrigerator to take out a drink and prepared it for Liu Zhengdong!

Two people come for a hug!

At this time Zhan Xiaosong came out.Said: "Don't kiss my mother!"

Zhan Xiaosong came out with a toy gun and turned to Liu Zhengdong, who said, "You scared me, little ancestor! I bought your gun for you!"

Zhan Xiaosong said: "Then I don't care, the only one who can kiss my mother is me!"

At this time, An Guanyu came out and coaxed: "Come on, let's go back and watch cartoons!"

After saying that, I took the child into the house!

(End of this chapter)

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