There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2603 Am I so unimportant?

Chapter 2603 Am I so unimportant?

Liu Zhengdong kept explaining!

Liu Zhengdong said solemnly: "But, you have seen what happened today! He is still very resistant to me now!"

This question involves a question of principle, as well as a question of a person's bottom line, and the most important question is a question of being a mother!

Liu Zhengdong does not have this kind of experience without children!

It may be the performance that a mother will have, that is, eager to protect her child!

An Guanyu said: "You know, I'm divorced now! So I feel guilty about my children now! I hope to spend more time on my children! Give them more care and a mother's love ! Now it's because the child doesn't like you, so you want to get the child away from me, right?"

An Guanyu's question made Liu Zhengdong speechless. Liu Zhengdong really underestimated the heart of a mother!

If An Guanyu was really this kind of person, he would have thrown his two children to Zhan Gang when they got divorced!

The reason why I keep a small one by my side is that the child is still young and needs the care of the mother!

An Guanyu is not the kind of person who can follow suit for the sake of children!

Not to mention someone who could betray his own child!

Liu Zhengdong knew he had done something wrong!

From the perspective of a latecomer, and as a businessman, there is nothing wrong with doing this. The businessman’s glasses are full of interests. When is the most self-interested and what determines the maximum benefit? This is the mind of a businessman. !

An Guanyu said: "You are so chilling to me now, he is only five years old! Liu Zhengdong, I hope you can understand a truth, no matter where we have developed, children are the most important thing to me! "

These words are sonorous and forceful, without flinching at all, now the child is his own life!

Liu Zhengdong said: "I know he is the most important to you, so I can't even have the second position? Or you are busy with your beauty salon, or you are just around children, no matter how important they are, You have to give me some time, right? Tell me about you, now I come to you, I have to follow your time! You said that I am busier than you at work every day! I have been waiting for so many years Do you know why? Don’t you just want you to spend more time with me by my side? We have been delayed for so many years now, and I don’t want to waste future opportunities!”

These words are the inner monologue of a veteran diamond king!

After waiting for An Guanyu for so many years in vain, he was waiting for only one person, and now, he finally got a divorce!

I am still unimportant!

It's just that I didn't cherish the opportunity when I was young!

An Guanyu's mind is full of other things now, and he said: "Then what are you going to do to me now? And then? Quit my job? Send the child away? Are you around every day?"

An Guanyu misinterpreted Liu Zhengdong's meaning a bit!

Liu Zhengdong just wanted to save himself some face, but An Guanyu didn't care about it at all!

Liu Zhengdong said: "I didn't say it has to be like this! You can be your beauty salon, and I have no problem with the child living with you! But I can't continue to be the third child!"

It is understandable for Liu Zhengdong to say this!

A man has waited so hard for so many years!

Can only rank third?

(End of this chapter)

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