Chapter 2702 Almost Late

After the principal drank the glass of wine with Zhan Gang, the principal said: "Let's not talk about it. Since this is the case, it doesn't matter. It just so happens that Ah Jin's mother also sponsored our library. This is also a loss of industry and agriculture. Made it up! Haha! You have to have a good talk with her tomorrow and see if you can get more sponsorship!"

Zhan Gang knows that the principal wants to use his delicate relationship with Ah Jin's mother to gain more benefits!

Zhan Gang is a little unhappy at this time, this is what annoys Zhan Gang the most, the feeling of being used by others is quite bad!

There is a saying that goes like this: Others use you because you are valuable, if you have no use value, it is the most useless time!

Of course, Zhan Gang also understands this truth, Zhan Gang said: "Okay, lead me to fight for it! Let me fight for it to the greatest extent!"

The principal said straightforwardly: "Happy! If this matter is done, it happens that our school has newly established a sports teaching and research group, and I will let you be the team leader!"

Zhan Gang knows that although this title is false, he must give it face!

Zhan Gang said: "Okay! Come on, I'm toasting you!"

After talking, the two of them drank again!

At this time, Li Xiaoxia called: "Where are you, Gangzi? Are you finished? I'm in the game city with my child, and I've been playing for a long time! If you're finished, let's go back together!"

Zhan Gang glanced at the principal and said, "No, I still have a field here, why don't you take the child back first, and I'll be back soon, too!"

Li Xiaoxia turned off the phone in disappointment.

Li Xiaoxia said to Zhan Xiaosong: "My child, have you played enough? Let's go home?"

Zhan Xiaosong ate the ice cream he won and said, "Okay, let's go back with my sister. I'm so happy that I won this today. Can you bring me here next time?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Stop talking nonsense, mom is on a business trip this time and brought you here, if mom finds out, sister Li Xiaoxia and I bring you to play games, mom might be so angry! "

Zhan Xiaosong said: "If I don't tell my mother, it's over! You can bring me next weekend, sister!"

Looking at his younger brother's sample, Zhan Xiaoxuan said, "Well, let's go home and ask Dad! Mom is not at home or Dad has the final say!"

At this time, An Guanyu had already arrived at the international airport, had just exchanged tickets, and was ready to board the plane!

An Guanyu looked at his watch and it was four or ten minutes before take-off, and the cabin door was closed immediately, so he couldn't enter anymore!

There are still the last 10 minutes!

An Guanyu looked around and waited for Liu Zhengdong, agreeing to come on time.

An Guanyu made a phone call and said, "I said what's the matter with you, why haven't you come yet, it took off in only 10 minutes!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "I'm really sorry, I had a meeting just now, I arranged work and I'm a little late! I'll check in right away, you board the plane first, I'll be fast, it will only take 5 minutes!"

An Guanyu said unhappily: "Then I'll wait for you, the two of us together, if I take off, what will you do if you are late?"

Liu Zhengdong said, "Okay!"

Liu Zhengdong got out of the car and checked the ticket quickly!Going through the security check was smooth and I didn't bring anything with me!

At this time, An Guanyu was waiting anxiously, and at this moment a voice came: "I'm really sorry, I've been waiting for so long!"

(End of this chapter)

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