There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2704 Understood Dad

Chapter 2704 Understood Dad

After 3 minutes, the air flow passed.

Liu Zhengdong said: "Do you think there is nothing wrong with this? What are you worried about?"

An Guanyu smiled!

Soon dinner will be served on this plane!

The two of them kept chatting after eating, An Guanyu said: "Tell me, why didn't you know how to take the initiative when you were in school?"

Liu Zhengdong said: "At that time I was timid, I felt that you didn't even look at me, how dare I go up and talk to you!"

An Guanyu said: "There is an old saying that you don't know?"

Liu Zhengdong looked at An Guanyu wonderingly, and said, "What old saying? There are so many old sayings, how do I know which one?"

An Guanyu said: "You are really a piece of wood. The old saying goes like this, men are not bad and women are not loved!"

Liu Zhengdong smiled and said, "That's why you chose the worse Gangzi, right?"

An Guanyu said: "That's right. Let's get off the plane, I know there is a good Korean restaurant, let's try it!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "I'm still a little tired, I think we should take a rest first! After all, we just ate on the plane!"

An Guanyu took a nasty look at Liu Zhengdong!Said: "Okay, I'm tired too, just as we get off the plane, we'll settle down first!"

The two of them were still hugging each other tightly when they were sitting on the plane. Although they were both middle-aged, they were still as sweet as a young couple in love. After all, it was the first time to travel, and this was really the first time!

Li Xiaoxia returned home with her two children!

Zhan Xiaoxuan took a look and saw that there was no father in the house, and Zhan Xiaosong also searched around but did not see his father!

Zhan Xiaosong said, "Why hasn't Dad come back yet? What did you do?"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Your father, there is something very important today! So, I will come back later, you should go wash up, go to bed first, and see Dad tomorrow! Tomorrow is the weekend, the four of us How about an outing?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said from the side: "What important things can he have. It's nothing more than being drunk! After drinking for so many years, it's still not enough!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Son, don't say that. Your father is also very difficult. It's all for this family. Men also work very hard outside. Although it's drinking, it's different from drinking with the boss! Men, Socializing is inevitable! Otherwise, you would have no friends! Didn’t your father get promoted this time because he was drunk? I heard the phone call just now, saying that I want to buy you a new tablet computer. Isn't it all about slowly maintaining the bonuses from the leaders!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan really had nothing to refute after hearing this!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Anyway, I don't understand the world of your adults, but I do know the ways of the world. In this way, I really understand my father! Usually I really misunderstood him!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "That's not true, men need our love, whether it's you or me, what you give is family affection, what I give is love. In short, we just want to love this family!"

This remark made Zhan Xiaoxuan understand a lot of truths. This was something his mother had never said to him before. Zhan Xiaoxuan thought about it for a long time, and felt that although these words were a bit realistic, they were really true!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Since my father is working so hard, I'll make him a cup of honey water today, and drink it when he comes back! I will also be a filial child!"

(End of this chapter)

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