There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2708 Unfavorable Start

Chapter 2708 Unfavorable Start

After Ah Jin came out of the toilet, he swore inwardly: Anyway, I am not afraid of wearing shoes when I am barefoot.

Ah Jin was still a little nervous at this moment, and couldn't stop his muscles from shaking.

Ah Jin was really nervous.

After arriving at the arena, the match was about to start. Feidao saw Ajin approaching, stepped forward and said, "What's wrong with you? Do you feel so nervous?"

A Jin said tremblingly: "I don't know, I just can't stop shaking."

The coach said: "This is normal. You have to go through this process no matter what. This is also the first step in growth. Can you still do the jump ball later?"

Ah Jin said: "No problem!" Although he said so, he still didn't feel low.

Feidao saw Ah Jin's nervousness, and said to Ah Jin: "Don't take this game too seriously, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, it doesn't matter, don't be nervous!"

Feidao has been comforting him, but no matter how much he comforts him, his legs are still shaking.

This leg shake cannot be deceived.

As the game started, Ajin also made a mistake when he started to jump the ball. This is the first time.

The captain saw what was wrong with Ah Jin, and said: "Ah Jin, don't be nervous, use your defense to defend the ball this time."

After hearing this sentence, Ah Jin felt a lot less stressed.

However, due to the severe shaking of his thighs, his steps were also a bit slow.

Ah Kuan sees Ah Jin's weakness.

Ah Kuan took advantage of this difference in rhythm and passed Ah Jin in an instant. The captain saw this and hurried up to defend, but the most favorable position to let go was lost, and Ah Kuan still completed the attack!

Something happened in the first round, and Coach Flying Dagger felt bad.

The flying knife coach immediately called a timeout.

This time, the time-out throwing knife encouraged everyone to say: "It's okay, don't be nervous in this game. Although the opponent's Hiroshi is very strong, let's not be afraid. Hiroshi is an outside player. Apart from Hiroshi, we all Weaknesses, and we have a big advantage around the basket."

The coach drew with the tactical board while talking, and then said to the captain: "Captain, your task is to get to the inside and make a strong attack. This Hiroshi's footsteps are not as fast as yours. I have played against him before, and his skills are naturally very good." Okay, but footwork is her weakness, when you get to the basket, you can hit it if you can, and if you can’t hit it, pass it to Bigfoot, and you can also pass to Bigfoot when you are on the outside, so that Bigfoot can launch a strong attack at the basket!"

All the team members began to nod their heads, understanding the tactics of the throwing knife very well.They kept nodding.

Fei Dao said to A Jin at this time: "Come down and rest for a while, you are too nervous, and you are very vulnerable to injury when your muscles are tense. You must protect yourself in this game. Get ready for the final."

Throwing Knife's tactics are very clear. Although the semi-finals had a bad start, they still have a little confidence in this game.Still believe it can be won.

Preserving strength and going all out to reach the final is the ultimate goal.

Then everyone clapped hands together to encourage each other.

After playing, everyone let go, and the captain launched a general attack.

Under the help of the captain, the rhythm of the game was quickly mastered by the Meicheng Sports School.

Firmly controlled in his own hands.

The captain is a very experienced player, and the rhythm of the game is well controlled!

Ah Kuan was a little anxious holding the ball.

(End of this chapter)

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