Chapter 2764

Zhan Gang said that not because he earns less, because Zhan Xiaoxuan always thought that it was not easy for his father to make money!

Zhan Gang educates children in this way to develop a good family tradition!

This family style is really important!

In the future, when you get married or something, you will look at the family style!Few people ask for a lot of gifts anymore!

The betrothal gifts you want are very superficial expressions, and they are fundamentally distrustful of love!

Many people are introduced to each other, there is no emotional basis, it can be said that this bride price is the marriage guarantee of two people!There have been people who have been fighting for houses for so many years, and now with the improvement of their cultural level, even any betrothal gifts are waived!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "It's useless for me to take so much money! Didn't my mother give me a card!"

Zhan Gang said: "You take this money and pay back all the cards you swiped! Let's use the cash I gave you in the future!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Dad, are you overwhelmed? If I don't spend this money, it will be spent by others. You should understand this truth! So just listen to me!"

Zhan Gang thought about it and it made sense!

Zhan Gang said: "Okay, then you have to control your expenses in the future and make a good consumption plan for yourself! This can also plan your property!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Don't worry, don't worry about it. You are such an old man. You still worry about it! By the way, is my grandma here today?"

Zhan Gang was very puzzled and said: "How do you know?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I saw the goose eggs on the ground! Only my grandma can make this kind of goose eggs! Who else could it be if my grandma came?"

Zhan Gang said: "You are such an elf! You can't hide anything from you! Bring one to school tomorrow, it's delicious!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Okay, then I'll go to sleep!"

At this time, Li Xiaoxia said: "I have prepared all your bathroom supplies! Just use them!"

This Li Xiaoxia is also a good wife and mother, but even if she can remind her of the past, there is no way to do it.

Li Xiaoxia has always regarded these two children as her own!

This is invaluable!

Although Zhan Xiaoxuan's attitude was not very good in the past, but now recently, as long as Li Xiaoxia takes someone with her, she will immediately eliminate all hidden dangers!

Li Xiaoxia is also able to have this good traffic background!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Then I will thank you!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan was about to turn around.Then he suddenly said: "You are so courteous for nothing! Could it be that you have something to ask me for?"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Son, have you watched too many TV series? What can I ask you for? It is the greatest favor for you to study hard! Your father and I are the happiest family! "

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "You really don't know which pot to open and which pot to mention. You know that my cultural class is not good, so you have to mention it! It's good now, it's embarrassing!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "I am also doing it for your own good. After having a good culture class, I will understand a lot of truths when I go to school! This is your own life experience!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan is absolutely right now what the other party said, but he still continues to do it!

Not used to problems at all!

Li Xiaoxia said: "If you study hard, I will make the decision first. I will take you abroad for fun when you are on vacation!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan was overjoyed when he heard about the meeting!

(End of this chapter)

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