There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2814 The witty headmaster

Chapter 2814 The witty headmaster

Although Zhan Gang didn't tell the truth, but based on Mr. Sun's understanding of Zhan Gang, the other party must know what he thought. Since the other party held back and didn't say anything, Mr. Sun knew that this matter must be a bit tricky!

Teacher Sun changed the subject, and said to Zhan Gang: "Do you have time after get off work tonight? Let's go to that steakhouse? How about it?"

Zhan Gang thought, since he has been a colleague for so many years and gets along very well, this request is not too much. After all, he has worked in the same office for so many years. If he refuses, Teacher Sun will feel that he is It's not good to do it deliberately after being promoted!

Zhan Gang said: "I'm off work tonight, how about meeting at the old place? Let's have a few more drinks!"

Teacher Sun said: "That's not true, this is the candidate for the vice-principal, so it's worth celebrating. Let me celebrate it for you tonight!"

Zhan Gang jokingly said: "I dare not go to you for a treat. If you ask me to do something again, what should I do if I can't do it?"

Teacher Sun knew that Zhan Gang was deliberately joking with himself. Since he knew it was a joke, he didn't take it to heart after all, but what he said was like a vaccination, which was given in advance.

This is the same as when masters fight each other in Taijiquan, you push and I push.

After all, Mr. Sun is at home now, and sometimes you can’t save face. If you really want to save face, you will definitely not be able to do your own affairs, so Mr. Sun said: "Don’t fix that useless, even if you find someone You do something, if you can do it, my buddy begged you, what else can you refuse? Isn't it? Who is the relationship between us!"

After Zhan Gang heard it, he laughed!

Zhan Gang said: "Mr. Sun, you really are an old fox! It's okay, I'll go to work first, I won't tell you anymore, we will see each other tonight!"

Teacher Sun was also very happy after hearing this. Zhan Gang neither explicitly refused nor agreed to himself. Zhan Gang's words can be said to be impeccable, and he has completely left room for what he says and does!

Teacher Sun thought to himself: This is Zhan Gang.I have already become the vice principal, so with my relationship, you have to give me some face!

Teacher Sun doesn't care so much anymore, it depends on how the atmosphere is when drinking at night!

Zhan just hung up the phone and said to himself: This old fox Sun is really cunning, just don't say it, isn't it obvious? He has resigned for several months and doesn't usually contact me. The vice-principal is here, and a phone call came all of a sudden, this is definitely not a coincidence!

Zhan Gang was worrying about what to eat for dinner, when he suddenly remembered, he should go to the leader and say hello in advance!

So Zhan Gang rushed to the principal's office!

Zhan Gang came to the door of the office and knocked on the door outside!

The principal said inside: "Please come in! It's Gangzi!"

Zhan Gang hurriedly pushed the door open and went in, Zhan Gang said with a smile: "The leader is really good at hearing, you know it's me just by this voice?"

The principal put down the pen in his hand and said, "You knock on the door with different strength than others. If you don't have this ability, what kind of leader should I be?"

Zhan Gang said: "You are amazing! Can you teach me how to judge that it is I who knocked on the door?"

After the principal got up, he got a glass of water and glanced at Zhan Gang with his glasses.

The headmaster said, "Really want to know?"

(End of this chapter)

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