There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2845 This issue is very sensitive

Chapter 2845 This issue is very sensitive

Li Xiaoxia really stayed up all night after receiving this message. Should she have another child?

After all, I have never given birth to a child. People say that the moment a girl really grows up is the moment when she becomes a mother!

A woman who has not surpassed a child is an incomplete woman, and so on, a series of this kind of poisonous chicken soup for the soul repeatedly appeared in my mind. Although I knew that these words were poisonous chicken soup, I couldn't control myself!
Li Xiaoxia thought about these issues carefully. The first point is that if she is pregnant, she must keep the child. If she is not pregnant, she will let nature take its course!
Now Zhan Gang is a 40-year-old middle-aged man, and he will be 60 years old when his children go to college. He is still young, but does Zhan Gang have so much energy?
These are the questions!

Now Li Xiaoxia really couldn't fall asleep, so she called her assistant directly, and said to the assistant: "Let's go out to the bar for a drink, I'm in a bad mood!"

Li Xiaoxia's assistant said: "There is no need to get drunk if you are in a bad mood. I can chat with you about what is on your mind. Even if you are drunk today, you will still be troubled when you sober up tomorrow, so this is not a solution at all." The solution to the problem is just like our Chinese medicine practitioners, we must find the cause!"

Now facing this young girl, Li Xiaoxia actually said such reasonable words, and she still understands so much!
Li Xiaoxia wondered if she should tell the truth to this child!

Li Xiaoxia has never smoked, and today she took out a pack of cigarettes from her bag and lit it up like a man. Li Xiaoxia took a sharp puff, and then coughed non-stop!
After seeing this, the assistant hurried forward to pat the back, and kept caring: "Are you okay? Don't learn if you don't know how to smoke. Tobacco is not good for your body at all, and it can even cause cancer! It's still counted." Come on!"

Li Xiaoxia smiled at the innocent eyes of this little assistant, and said, "I really want to go back to your era!"

The little assistant said: "I see that you are very happy. Why did you suddenly have something on your mind today! It shouldn't be. You are in a good state now!"

Li Xiaoxia looked at this immature child, and was really moved in her heart. If she went back to a year ago and met Zhan Gang's hand, would she still love Zhan Gang without hesitation like this?
This question has been in my mind for a long time!

Li Xiaoxia asked: "How do you deal with emotional matters? Don't you ever get upset?"

The assistant looked at Li Xiaoxia's haggard face and said, "Of course I have it too. I'm also a human being, and I also have emotions and desires. I'll tell you anything I'm unhappy about!"

Li Xiaoxia knew that this little assistant had always wanted her to tell her what was on her mind, but Li Xiaoxia couldn't speak out at all now that she was out of shape!

Li Xiaoxia said to the little assistant: "Come on, put on your clothes, let's go have some barbecue!"

The two staggered out like this, ready to have a little barbecue!
Zhan Gang didn't have much wine drinking alone at home, but he was drunk. It's really easy to get drunk when drinking alone!
Zhan just washed up and went back to the bedroom to sleep!
Zhan Xiaoxuan was also very depressed tonight, and couldn't sleep all the time!
(End of this chapter)

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