Chapter 2855 The Details Determine Success or Failure
The coach adjusted his position and said: "But when you turn around, your right foot and your body are directly next to the opponent, and the opponent is firmly stuck, so you will have enough Space to shoot! In this way, no matter how the opponent defends, they can’t get close to you! Because you have already stuck the opponent behind! Come on, try it as I said and you will know!”

Ajin tried again according to the method corrected by the coach, and it was really smooth, and the movements were very stretched, the opponent had no way at all, and there was no chance to make up the defense!
Ah Jin suddenly realized that the details determine everything!
Ah Jin understood the essentials of this action!

Ah Jin repeated it many times!

A Jin said to himself: "So it is like this! I said that every time Li Qiu used this footstep to hit me, I was helpless! There is no room for resistance!"

The coach came over and looked at Ajin and smiled: "Did you understand this time?"

A Jin nodded, and the coach continued: "A Jin, although you have mastered this technique, there is still a more advanced one that you haven't mastered!"

A Jinhe looked at the coach in bewilderment, wondering what else could be wrong!
Ah Jin has been doing this movement repeatedly, in fact, it has been done very smoothly, but this is the difference between the king and platinum, the king is not only the footsteps must be in place quickly, but also the movements of the upper body are also very delicate!
Ajin said: "Please also ask the coach to guide me!"

The coach picked up the ball at this time, leaning against Ah Jin and did it again, this time the upper body is very important!
Ah Jin felt it, once this action came out, it was really seamless!

My brain exploded with amazing power in an instant!
A Jin said: "What I said, this movement turned out to be so powerful!"

The coach said: "Tell me! How did you turn around and what is the state of your upper body!"

A Jin said: "Just now I felt that your power point is all on your waist, right? Use your waist to power, right?"

The coach said: "Your perception is really good, but what about your arms?"

Ah Jin didn't quite understand again this time!It's not that Ah Jin is not smart enough, nor is it that Ah Jin has no understanding, it's just that he has no experience.

The coach said: "I won't play tricks on you today, I'll leave it to you! What you said just now is the focus of the waist development!"

At this time, the coach explained this technical movement to Ah Jin in detail while demonstrating!
The coach said: "You used to have poor basic skills. One of the important reasons is that your core strength is not enough, and you have not mastered the power point of the core! In this turn, not only the waist is important to exert force, but also the elbow. The whole body must be stuck in the opponent's armpit! Only in this way can you ensure that you can completely pass the opponent!"

Said that he had set an example!
Ah Jin felt the mystery of this action!
The coach said: "Next, I will do it for you completely and you will know!"

Talking about the coach, let's do the movements of the whole body in detail, and do it slowly for Ah Jin to see!
Ah Jin felt that this movement was really perfect!
A Jin did it by himself according to the coach's movements and showed it to the coach. A Jin asked: "How do you see what I did? Is there anything that needs to be corrected?"

(End of this chapter)

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