There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 287 Daughter-in-law, I believe in you

Chapter 287 Daughter-in-law, I believe in you

Li Yuezhi stayed abroad, Dong De, she heard that the conversation between Shen Chuhua and the doctor just now was all in professional terms, it seems that Shen Chuhua really has some skills, she didn't know what to do, she was afraid that Shen Chuhua could really be cured Xu Qiongju, she must stop Shen Chuhua from making further contributions.

Qi Mei is even more of a dramatist, sobbing directly, crying pitifully, pretending to look at the old ancestor sincerely, "Mother, Qiongju is your own daughter, you can't let Shen Chuhua mess around, Ruolin If you die, you will be disembowelled, and you will not be able to rest in peace after death!"

"Nonsense!" Zhan Beichen couldn't listen anymore, his dark eyes were full of anger, he gave Qi Mei and Li Yuezhi a cold look, walked up to Shen Chuhua, put his arm around her shoulder and said, "My wife married into Zhan It's been a while, what did she do to harm the Zhan family?

Although she is young and does not graduate from any prestigious school, she is a descendant of the imperial physician of the former Qing Dynasty. She even stayed abroad with her mother since she was a child.

She is well-informed, and whoever dares to slander her again, I will never forgive her lightly! "

When Qi Mei heard this, she bit her lip and was too frightened to speak again.

Zhan Beichen was lawless and vicious, and Zhan Muchen was too fond of him, so Qi Mei didn't dare to offend him.

Li Yuezhi took a deep breath and was about to refute.

Behind them, a hoarse and deep voice suddenly came, "I agree to let Chuhua treat Qiongju!"

Everyone turned their heads, the person who spoke was Zhang Yishan! "

Shen Chuhua looked at him in surprise.

Zhang Yishan nodded.

A flash of shrewdness flashed in Zhan Beichen's eyes, he turned around abruptly, held her daughter-in-law's shoulder, and said seriously, "Hua'er, don't worry about treating me, I understand how my master is, even if there is an accident, he won't blame him You! With me here, come on, my wife is the best!"

What he said sounds like he is encouraging Shen Chuhua, but in fact, he is telling everyone present that even if the treatment fails, her daughter-in-law is not responsible. allow.

Shen Chuhua nodded, she was very moved to be believed by her man.

The old ancestor also said, "First painting, come on!"

Shen Chuhua nodded, there was no longer any delay, and he quickly ran into the emergency room!

Shen Chuhua asked the nurse inside to get her a sterile white coat and put on a white cap, and then let the nurse go out.

She needed a treasure chest for her operation, and she couldn't have a nurse by her side, and it was inconvenient for her to move around.

In the huge emergency room, illuminated by bright white lights, Shen Chuhua instantly felt a sense of mission.

At this moment, Mrs. Zhang's complexion was pale and her breathing was weak. It seemed that she would never wake up again after taking off the ventilator.

Shen Chuhua took a deep breath, and took out the treasure chest from the necklace space.

And from the treasure chest, she asked for all the medical equipment she needed for minimally invasive cardiac interventional surgery.

Next to the operating bed is a black and white CT imported during the Republic of China, which was already advanced enough during the Republic of China.

Although it is not as clear as the color CT of the 21st century, it is enough to see the cause clearly.

Shen Chuhua first performed a CT scan for Mrs. Zhang, and the report showed that, just as the German doctor said, Mrs. Zhang had congenital heart aortic stenosis.

This is not a serious disease in the 21st century, and the treatment methods are mature.

There is no need for thoracotomy at all, as long as balloon cardiac aortic vascular support dilation is used.

Shen Chuhua took out a micro-valve scalpel for hemostasis, and cut a small incision in the blood vessel inside the elbow joint of Mrs. Zhang's right arm, then inserted the mouth of the balloon syringe into the incised blood vessel, and gently pushed the syringe ...

The special material balloon stent slowly entered Mrs. Zhang's blood vessel.

Shen Chuhua immediately sewed up the minimally invasive opening.

 There are two more chapters today



(End of this chapter)

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