There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2876 Ah Jin's mother is here

Chapter 2876 Ah Jin's mother is here

There is still no specific drug for this bacteria!
Dr. Wang immediately called the coach: "Please come to the hospital, now Ah Jin has a fever again!"

The coach was a little unbelievable when he heard it. When he saw Ah Jin this afternoon, he was still alive and well. Why is he infected again now?

No matter so much, the coach rushed to the hospital as soon as he heard the news!

After arriving at the hospital, the coach went directly to the doctor's office, and Dr. Wang said: "Ajin is very dangerous now, and there is no specific drug yet. This kind of bacteria is a rare bacterium. There is no specific drug yet. Only It happened once in the United States, and now we are going to issue a critical illness notice to Ah Jin!"

After the coach heard it, it was really like a thunderbolt, a bolt from the blue struck his head!
How could the well-behaved Ah Jin come into contact with this kind of bacteria?
The coach's first reaction was to call the police!

This kind of thing must be framed!

Because Ah Jin is really outstanding, and his progress is really fast!
The coach immediately called the police and filed a case!

Soon the police closed down the entire training camp and took away all the people Ajin had come into close contact with.

The coach called Ah Jin's mother through Ah Jin's mobile phone!

At this time, Ah Jin's mother was discussing business!

Ah Jin's mother said, "Hello? I'm talking about business. Who are you?"

The coach said: "Are you Ah Jin's mother? I am the coach of Ah Jin's training camp. Now I want to inform you of an important news!"

Ah Jin's mother's face immediately changed when she heard it, she dropped the contract in her hand and walked out of the room!
The businessman was very angry when he saw it, and said to the people present: "What's wrong? Aren't we talking about business?"

Ajin's mother's assistant said: "It's possible that our boss has important matters today, I hope you can stay safe!"

Ah Jin's mother walked out of the room and said, "It's about my son? What's wrong with my son?"

The coach said: "My lord is sick, he got a rare bacterial infection, and now he has been issued a critical illness notice! I also called the police immediately!"

Ah Jin's mother said: "Tell me the address quickly, and I will fly there right now!"

Ah Jin's mother hung up the phone and booked a ticket!
Immediately book a flight for the night!
Ah Jin's mother came to the hospital where Ah Jin was at after arranging the work at hand!

Since the critical illness notice needs to be signed by the immediate family members, the coach dare not make decisions privately.

Ah Jin's mother came to the hospital, found the attending doctor, asked about the situation, and the doctor also told the actual situation of Ah Jin's mother.

Ah Jin's mother said to the doctor: "Since there are such cases in the United States, please contact the relevant hospitals in the United States as soon as possible and ask them for help!"

Dr. Wang smiled and said, "I can understand your feelings, but this is still unrealistic. After all, even if we can get in touch, it's another matter if they are willing to help!"

After hearing this, Ajin's mother was a little disappointed, and Ajin's mother walked out of the doctor's office silently!

What I didn't expect was that Dr. Wang also came out, saw Ah Jin's mother's ugly expression and said: "You know, there is no disease that cannot be cured, the premise is that you have money!"

(End of this chapter)

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