There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2905 Self-defeating

Chapter 2905 Self-defeating
After Ah Jin finished speaking, Damei also boldly picked up the tools and started to cut her hair.

At the beginning, Ah Jin still doubted whether Damei's technology could work or not.

But when Damei began to cut her hair, Ah Jin looked at the proficient movements and skills, and secretly sighed in his heart: What is the origin of these two sisters?How can you do everything?

After watching it for a while, Ah Jin felt a little sleepy, after all, he just finished eating the steak and it was a bit hot.

Before he knew it, Ah Jin closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep.

Ah Jin was really sleepy.

Since I was too sleepy, and this posture was also very uncomfortable, I couldn't help lowering my head.

It was just this swipe that immediately affected Damei's performance. Just when the fader was about to be used, he suddenly lowered his head, and suddenly a scar appeared.

Da Meixin thought to herself: "What the hell is going on? What should I do? It's messed up all of a sudden, and it's really difficult for the young master to wake up!"

Da Mei unhurriedly looked at the young master who was still asleep!
Suddenly Damei remembered, if it doesn’t work, I’ll modify it, change the wrong place, and change it to a letter for her.

For this decision made in an instant, A Jin did not ask Mr. A Jin for instructions, because Mr. A Jin is also a talkative person, and he is also very generous to others!

Damei took advantage of Ah Jin's deep sleep, and it was a one-stop operation!
In a short while, this hair will be done!

At this time, Ah Jin was still sleeping. Damei looked at it, and the effect was still very good, and it looked very trendy!

It just so happens that the position of this letter is also very good, just on the side.

Fortunately not in front.

At this moment, Ah Jin's phone rang. Although he had finished his haircut, Damei didn't wake up in a hurry.

The call came at the right time, Ah Jin heard the phone ringing, and opened his eyes too. After opening his glasses, his first reaction was to look at his hair!

Ah Jin saw the letter on the hair, it was changed after the failure!

Ah Jin is very happy in his heart, and Ah Jin has a very strong ability to accept new things!
Ah Jin glanced at Damei, and answered the phone first!
It was the coach of his own training camp who called. The coach said, "Ah Jin, I heard that you have been discharged from the hospital? How is your recovery?"

Hearing that it was his coach, Ah Jin quickly stood up and said, "It's nothing serious. The doctor said it's just a few days at home and it will be fine! It will take about ten days!"

The coach said: "Oh, that's it, I want to visit you. Is it convenient for you?"

Damei heard the coach's voice on the phone, and she understood. Damei hurried to Ajin and shook her head!

Before Ah Jin could respond, Damei had hinted at a series of reactions!

Ah Jin didn't know why this happened, but Ah Jin knew that Damei would never harm herself!

Although it was the hospital that the coach sent him to, we had to be careful.

Damei gave Ah Jin a gesture, meaning to meet outside and not let anyone know about it!

After receiving Damei's hint, Ah Jin said: "Well, coach, let's make an appointment at the Redang Island Western Restaurant at five o'clock in the evening, what do you think?"

The coach was also very happy after hearing this, so the two settled down and met at the Redang Island Western Restaurant at five o'clock in the evening!

(End of this chapter)

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