There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2971 Where am I?who I am?

Chapter 2971 Where am I?who I am?
The player who eavesdropped on the tactics quickly returned to his team and told Coach Li the tactics he eavesdropped on just now!

Then Coach Li quickly made adjustments!
This is intelligence work!

The reason why a team can win is not because of its excellent tactics and players' skills, but more importantly, it can get the opponent's tactical arrangements. This information is also very important!

Having this kind of intelligence at such a critical moment is really a timely help!

Coach Li said to the player beside him who was eavesdropping on the tactics: "If you win the game, I will apply for more team subsidies for this month!"

Faced with this news, eavesdropping on the tactical players is also very exciting!
Before Coach Li finished speaking, I quickly thanked you!

A set of official thank-you notes follows!
This player is the monkey of the red team!
The origin of this player's nickname is that the monkey is relatively short in height, only 1.8 meters three, but the speed is very fast, the shooting is accurate, and the speed is extraordinary, especially the change of direction in front of the body really makes the opponent frightened!
And the jumping ability is also outstanding, dunking with both hands is no problem at all!
Monkeys just run and jump in the zoo, which just fits the technical characteristics of this player!
Back on the field again!

Of course, the blue team is full of confidence, because according to the coach's arrangement, this game will not lose!

What I never expected was that the script had already been leaked!

When Wang Yingjie got the basketball and dribbled it to the frontcourt, Coach Wang realized the seriousness of this problem.
Wang Yingjie was followed by the monkey all the time.

There is no room for the man-marking, and now it is difficult to even pass the ball!

Are 1 drafts in Coach Wang's heart rushing past, is it possible?They know our tactics?

Coach Wang shouted with his own mouth: "Protect the ball, fight with your body, create space, and faint the frontcourt!"

Under the guidance of Coach Wang, Wang Yingjie finally dribbled the ball to the frontcourt. After reaching the frontcourt, Wang Yingjie started to look for Tianba, but at this moment Tianba was closely guarded by A Jin and Yang Gang. No chance!

But the No. [-] shooter who was on the bottom line at this moment was also defended by the opponent!

At this time, there is only one vacant Liu Qi who rarely catches basketball!
Liu Qi is the kind of blue-collar player who usually just grabs rebounds and protects the basket!
What if he has a vacancy at this time?
Wang Yingjie thought in his heart, pass it to him first, no matter what, let's do it first!

Maybe this Liu Qi will have a chance to wear it back again?

Wang Yingjie knew in his heart that if he didn't follow the coach's intention and tactics, he would be responsible!

But the current situation off the field, Coach Wang also sees it in his heart, he has no chance, Tian Ba ​​has no chance, and the No. [-] shooter has no chance!

Coach Wang wondered, what happened to the red team today?
How does it look like they are here to target us specifically?
The game is cruel, either you win or I lose. If there is a tie within the regular time, there will still be overtime until the winner is determined!
Although it is leading now, it is in trouble!
At this time, Wang Yingjie didn't hesitate anymore, and directly gave the ball to Liu Qi who was open!

Liu Qi was also a bit confused after receiving the ball. Isn't this implemented according to the coach's tactics?what 's wrong?
Although Liu Qi is a blue-collar worker, he still has a bit of golf intelligence.
(End of this chapter)

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