There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 303 Shen Jibin's Love Debt

Chapter 303 Shen Jibin's Love Debt

Shen Chuhua sneered, "Don't associate with me, it's disgusting to hear!"

"Chuhua, I beg you, okay?" Shen Yingxiang begged Shen Chuhua pitifully.

Shen Tuo also came over, "Chu Hua, we really need people to pick up my mother!"

"Apologize to me, a sincere apology!" Shen Chuhua sternly said.

Song Laoer kowtowed to Shen Chuhua in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

His forehead was sweating from the pain, the feeling of having a broken leg was really uncomfortable, as long as he could connect his leg, he would kowtow ten heads.

Shen Chuhua raised his foot and suddenly kicked Song Er on the shoulder. Song Er was kicked like a bastard, with his feet on his back.

In the next second, Shen Chuhua's low-heeled shoes stepped directly on his throat.

The heel of the shoe stuck to his Adam's apple, and he stepped down slowly.

Song Er's eyes widened in fright, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Shen Chuhua's face was full of heroism, "I warn you, Shen Chuhua is not a fool, if I hear similar rumors again, I will crush your throat, do you hear me?

Don't associate with me, after my parents die, I have no relatives!

Also, I can connect your legs for you, but you have to know that you owe me a favor, and one day, I will ask you to ask for this favor, do you hear me? "

Song Laoer's big eyes blinked again and again, "Okay, you are not a fool, I am a fool, I owe you a favor!"

Only then did Shen Chuhua move his feet, squat down, push up Song Lao Er's leg, and hang it hard!

Song Lao Er's legs were connected.

Shen Yingxiang helped her second uncle up, and thanked Shen Chuhua repeatedly, "Thank you, Chuhua!"

Song Lao's second leg could move and climbed into Shen Tuo's car, and the group went to the hospital together.

Steward Wu looked at the car and said to Shen Chu, "Miss, Song Lian is really evil, you are really amazing!"

Shen Chu smiled lightly, and entered the villa in the Shen mansion.

Uncle Wu kept the Shen mansion in perfect order and it was always clean.

She quietly came to the second floor, and there was no one in the Shen mansion at the moment.

On the left, the door of Shen Jibin's room was closed.

Shen Chuhua thought, that woman helped Shen Jibin back to the bedroom?The two of them must have something to do, no, she has to check the situation.

Walk slowly to the door of Shen Jibin's room.

The door is ajar.

Shen Jibin's hoarse and thick voice came from inside, "Why did you come?"

The woman's voice was weak and gentle, "The gown is dirty, take it off, I'll wash it for you!"

The woman behaved plainly and dutifully.

Shen Jibin took a step back, with disgust on his face, and scolded, "Song Lan, if a man and a woman can't kiss each other, you get out of here quickly. I, Shen Jibin, the big shopkeeper of Shen Ji Pharmacy, can you, a countryman, be able to serve you? Get out!"

Shen Jibin was annoyed when he saw Song Lian's younger sister, Song Lan. She was the fourth daughter of the old Song family. When he first married Song Lian, he often went to Song Lian's family to do farm work for her father-in-law.

Song Lan also helps in the field, Song Lian is lazy and often does not go to the field.

Shen Jibin and Song Lan matched men and women, and they didn't get tired of working, and they became acquainted after coming and going.

Although Song Lan was not as beautiful as Qi Mei when she was young, she was pretty. Shen Jibin was young and impulsive, and one night he raped Song Lan in the field.

Song Lan half pushed and half agreed, and finally burst into tears.

Shen Jibin saw that Song Lan was gentle and timid, so he told her not to tell the relationship between the two of them, otherwise her sister would definitely peel her skin if she knew about it.

Song Lan was obedient, but Shen Jibin took advantage of her many times.

(End of this chapter)

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