There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3033 Informing you of good news

Chapter 3033 Informing you of good news
Liu Zhengdong started to prepare everything for the wedding when he returned home.

Liu Zhengdong said to the secretary beside him: "The invitations that should be sent are all on my flower list, you can send them to me according to this!"

Liu Zhengdong then took out a list and handed it to the secretary next to him, and Zi also took out another list, all the important people on this list had to be handed out by himself.

The first on the list is Zhan Gang.

Liu Zhengdong saw that everyone on this list was his good friend and good brother for many years.

Liu Zhengdong made an appointment with Zhan Gang, and Liu Zhengdong came to Zhan Gang's office.

As soon as Liu Zhengdong entered the door, he saw Zhan Gang working. Liu Zhengdong said, "I see you so busy every time I come here. How are you doing now? Have you applied for the land I discussed with you last time?"

Liu Zhengdong didn't rush to talk about the invitation, but first explained the job.

Zhan Gang poured him a cup of tea and said, "This is not a matter of urgency. My application has already been submitted! Isn't this waiting for a response now!"

Liu Zhengdong understood the story as soon as he heard it, and Liu Zhengdong said, "Do you have a phone number for the approval leader?"

Zhan Gang said: "What's wrong?"

Liu Zhengdong said: "Are you true or false? If you want him to be faster, you need to walk around. Do you need me to teach you this?"

Zhan Gang didn't understand very much, thinking that it was all a matter of work, so it would be fine to just hand it in.There are still many rules in it, Liu Zhengdong said: "This is all the rules of the world, you don't have to go, but I have to express it!"

Liu Zhengdong is very familiar with everything in this society.

The two smiled at each other.

Zhan Gang said: "There is still this rule, I really don't know. This time, I am asking the leader to remind me, and it will probably be soon!"

Liu Zhengdong smiled and said nothing, "Gangzi, I have an invitation card!"

Speaking of which, Liu Zhengdong took it out of his bag, and was anxious to give it to him. After Zhan Gang saw it, he understood that he wanted to take the initiative to pick it up. After all, it was a bit embarrassing. Zhan Gang also said very straightforwardly: "Is this your invitation card?"

Liu Zhengdong smiled and said, "Yes, it's our wedding!"

Liu Zhengdong just wanted to say his name, but he held it back quickly. After all, this is not a very hurtful, but extremely insulting sentence. He still held back not to say it, to give the other party a little face.

Liu Zhengdong saw that Zhan had just asked for it, so he handed over the invitation.

After Zhan Gang picked it up, he looked at it and expressed his congratulations!
The two of them talked about a lot of topics, and they were all related to work. Liu Zhengdong also knew that it was simply not appropriate to talk so much now.

An Guanyu also sent out a lot of invitations, all of which were his former colleagues and friends. It was really hard to express his feelings when he received invitations from others when he was at work. Now he sees himself sending them out. You can feel the joy of sending out invitations instantly.

Some of An Guanyu distributes them in person, and some of them just make a phone call and ask his assistant to distribute them.

The assistant also suddenly became busy these days, An Guanyu said to the employees of the beauty salon: "As your boss, I want to tell you a good news today!"

Usually An Guanyu is very kind to the employees, but this time when he heard the good news, he was even more delighted.

All the employees were eagerly waiting, with their eyes wide open, waiting for An Guanyu to send the good news in person.

An Guanyu adjusted his tone and said: "As for me, the wedding will be held in a week. When the time comes, our beauty salon will be closed for three days, and your salary will still be paid. You all go to my new house and help me buy some Things, help me with my work, be happy!"

The employees were very happy when they heard this, and they all jumped up in joy. The lead foreman said, "Congratulations to Mr. An."

Naturally, everyone likes to hear good words, and An Guanyu was very happy with a smile on his face.

After making a fuss in the beauty salon for a while, they each went to their own affairs.

The foreman brought the employees to work together from the beginning of the day, and started to prepare for the wedding. As a result, there were more customers in the store, and everyone wanted to watch the excitement even if they were not doing it.

Now that Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't know about this situation, An Guanyu suddenly remembered this matter, An Guanyu was thinking about how he should tell the girl about this matter, it was certain that he couldn't hide it.

But how to say it is still debatable.

An Guanyu dialed Zhan Gang's phone number, and as soon as the phone was dialed, Zhan Gang sent out his blessing.

Zhan Gang said: "Congratulations on finding your happiness. I have already received the invitation. I will definitely be there to congratulate you in person."

An Guanyu said: "Then I will thank you."

An Guanyu was about to make a joke and said, "Does the child know about me now?"

After hearing this, Zhan Gang felt that this was a big deal, and said: "I haven't told my children about the invitation card Liu Zhengdong came to send me this morning. I just finished the exam, and now I go out with my classmates every day. Are you going to go out with me?" How to say?"

An Guanyu thought for a while, but couldn't find a good solution for a while, and said: "I just told you now because I don't know what to do. The child can't accept it for a while, right?"

In fact, the child's inner capacity is far beyond people's imagination, An Guanyu said: "I think it will be better if you say this, I really have no way to speak, do you think it will work? "

Zhan Gang also felt that there was no way to tell the child directly about this matter, and he had to adopt some other methods.

Zhan Gang scratched his hair and said: "Leave this matter to me. It's really difficult for you to handle, even I have to think about what to say. If I can't say it right! The consequences are still serious! "

An Guanyu said: "The child should not do anything stupid, if you find it difficult, leave it to me!"

After Zhan Gang heard it, he immediately refused: "You can't do this yourself, and if you go to Liu Zhengdong, I think he will have a solution. After all, the child gets along well with him, what do you think? God, you are busy, if it is not convenient for Zhan Xiaosong to take him with you, let him come to my place! I can take care of him to some extent!"

Now Zhan Gang is always thinking about An Guanyu, but An Guanyu is also very understanding, and said: "It's not convenient for you, now Li Xiaoxia is still pregnant, how to take care of the two children, you don't have to worry about that Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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